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秘密修改水晶机制 低地无法传兵高地
太平洋游戏网  2011-10-25 18:11




  Had a chance to play all 3 races at BlizzCon and there's one change that I haven't seen anyone discuss yet:

  Pylons on the low ground no longer grant power/warpfield to nearby highground. This means a proxy pylon on the low ground next to a cliff will NOT let you warp in units on the high ground. However a pylon on the high ground can still warp in units on the low ground.

  This was not mentioned in the HotS Multiplayer panel w/ Dustin Browder or David Kim, or in the new unit presentation. In fact most people didn't even seem to notice it because they were marveling at how dumb the new protoss units are.

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