作者:肥鱼 译|时间:2016-04-07 17:57:35


欧洲最大魔兽怀旧私服将关闭 暴雪再次起诉私服





  Yesterday, we received a letter of formal notice from US and french (sic) lawyers, acting on behalf of Blizzard Entertainment, preparing to stand trial against our hosting company OVH and ourselves in less than a week now。 This means the de facto end of Nostalrius under its current form。

  As soon as we received this letter, we decided to inform the team and players about the future of Nostalrius, where we have all passionately committed our time and energy as volunteers。

  Nostalrius Begins PvP, Nostalrius Begins PvE & Nostalrius TBC and all related servers will be definitively shutdown at 23:00 server time on the 10th of April 2016, if our hosting company keeps the server online for that long。 It feels kind of unreal, but we want to continue to serve our players as we did, and the best we can in the remaining time。

  公告中,Nostalrius表示暴雪将在一周内对其和其托管公司提起诉讼。Nostalrius将在2016年4月10日23:00关闭Nostalrius Begins PvP、Nostalrius Begins PvE和Nostalrius TBC以及所有相关服务器。

  Nostalrius - 号称拥有80万注册用户15万活跃用户 - 已经在公益请愿网站change.org向暴雪CEO Morhaime发出了请求,希望暴雪能够撤销诉讼,一天之内获得了1.8万人支持。


  (作者:KrisLigman 来自:ZAM 翻译:肥鱼)




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