- 不死鸟的华服
- 4件:用你的某个技能造成火焰伤害时敌人会受到1000%的火焰伤害,持续3秒。这个效果可以通过不同的技能重复第二、三遍。如果一个敌人因为三种火焰伤害循环的点燃,那么它将被燃烧,每秒对其造成3000%的武器伤害直至死亡。
- 6件:每个被燃烧的敌人会提高你100%的伤害,最多提升2000%。当一个被燃烧的精英怪物在周围时,你会直接收到最大2000%的伤害增益。
- 阿克汗的战甲
- 6件:伤害增益从450%提升至600%,现在附带15%减伤效果
- 千飓风
- X件:你的疾风击对拳法技能的增伤效果从300%上调至1250%
ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_733_x1 不死鸟套装改动,见上
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_009_x1 特效改动(原效果:当受到任何控制-削弱效果时,减少受到的伤害)每击提升你所受到的治疗效果{c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100|12|]%,持续5秒,最多叠加10次。
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_013U_x1 特效改动(原效果:主要技能每击回复你的血量)主要技能攻击时可以恢复你[{VALUE1}*100]%的最大生命值的血量。
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_009U_x1 特效改动(原效果:当你受到控制效果时恢复X%血量)你对控制-削弱效果免疫。
ItemPassive_Unique_Gem_011U_x1 [{VALUE1}*100]%几率移除全部的延迟伤害.
P2_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_033 千飓风套装改动,见上
P4_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_015 不死鸟套装改动,见上
P4_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_018 阿克汗套装改动,见上
p1_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_945 描述删除(粘附陷阱当爆炸时可以扩散到周围的敌人身上)
X1_传奇药水_10 - 当血量低于{c_magic}40%{/c_magic}时传送至其他地方,效果可能有偏差。
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_001 - 利用网红的力量极大增加你的伤害(?)
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_002 - 裂地斩提升你下 {c_magic}次地震 {c_magic}100%的伤害,持续15秒。
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_003 - 天堂之拳的能量消耗减少{c_magic}40%,伤害提升{c_magic}150
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_697_x1 - 天堂之拳有{c_magic}[{VALUE1}*100]%{/c_magic}的几率再释放一次
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_004 - 尖刺陷阱获得爆裂穿刺(新符文,见技能改动)符文的效果,而且可以快速部署两个。
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_005 - 神龙摆尾对首次击中的{c_magic}5个敌人伤害提升{c_magic}1000%。
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_006 - 灵魂弹幕引导攻击敌人时伤害每秒提升{c_magic}500%,可叠加 {c_magic}5次。
P42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_007 - 你距离目标每10码可提升{c_magic}15%的闪电伤害
p42_ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_945 - 你部署的每个尖刺陷阱可使你的下一个非引导的憎恨消耗技能造成额外 {c_magic}40%伤害。
DifficultyNamePlate14 - XI
DifficultyNamePlate15 - XII
DifficultyNamePlate16 - XIII
Difficulty14 - 折磨XI
Difficulty15 - 折磨XII
Difficulty16 - 折磨XIII
- 兵器专家:尖刺陷阱的最大数量提升增加至4
- 尖刺陷阱 消耗从30憎恨降低至10憎恨 / 效果改动:放置一个陷阱,当你使用另一个憎恨消耗技能时可引爆,当引爆时,所有的陷阱连环引爆并对8码内所有敌人造成950%的物理伤害。你最多可放置4个陷阱。
- 超长引线 : 替换为爆裂穿刺,提升伤害至1220%,当引爆时,所有敌人立刻监禁3秒。
- 连环爆炸 : 伤害提升至1330%,取消增伤效果,引爆时冰冷敌人3秒。
- 粘附陷阱 : 替换为自由触发。伤害提升至1150%,火焰伤害,现在憎恨生成技能也可以引爆陷阱了。
- 陷阱大师 : 立刻部署2(从3下调)个陷阱
- 引雷针 : 触发闪电链攻击10码内的敌人,25码内的陷阱间也会放射电弧。闪电伤害3击可造成1380%伤害。
- 冲击震波
- 穿刺之球:(描述改动)将箭矢合并成一个巨大的球体,振荡前行,对击中的所有目标造成 214% 的武器伤害(作为闪电伤害)。
- HealthPotionLegendary_10 - Bottomless Potion of Chaos
- P42_Crusader_FoH_Belt - Cord of the Righteous
- P42_DemonHunter_SpikeTrap_Bracer - Khassett's Vengeance Wraps
- P42_Barb_Earthquake_2H - Tectonic Breaker
- P42_Unique_Flail_1H_106_x1 - Darklight
- P42_Monk_LashingTailKick - Belt of Harmonious Balance
- P42_WitchDoctor_SpiritBarrage - [PH] Name me!
- P42_Wizard_LightningSpells - Electromagnetic Belt
- P42_Unique_Mojo_004 - Homunculus
- P42_handXbow_norm_unique_03 - The Demon's Demise
- Cosmetic_Pet_Diablo - Diablo
- P42_Unique_Mace_2H_002_x1 - Sledge of Athskeleng
- P42_Unique_Quiver_006_x1 - Fletcher's Pride
- P42_Unique_Fist_013_x1 - Scarbringer
- P42_Unique_Mojo_003_x1 - Gazing Demise
- P42_Unique_Ring_Haunt - Ring of Emptiness
- RareGenericPrefix069 - Araxom
- RareGenericPrefix070 - Rubakh
- RareGenericPrefix071 - Leviathan
- RareGenericPrefix075 - Rhykker
- RareGenericPrefix074 - Rashkovsky
- RareGenericPrefix073 - Shambo
- RareGenericPrefix072 - Quin
- RareGenericPrefix076 - Qelric
- RareGenericPrefix077 - Narull
- RareGenericPrefix078 - Tiraco
- RareGenericPrefix079 - Barahona
- RareGenericPrefix080 - Abaxxter
- RareGenericPrefix081 - Scarredwell
- Unique_Mace_2H_002_x1 Unique_Mace_2H_002_x1
- string1 : The berserkers of Athskeleng could not be stopped, their intricately carved white maces turning red with the blood of their enemies.
- P42_Unique_Mace_2H_002_x1 - The berserkers of Athskeleng could not be stopped, their intricately carved white maces turning red with the blood of their enemies.
- P42_Unique_Ring_001 - Yeah buddy!
- HealthPotionLegendary_10 - “In my workshop, when one sees liquid in a bottle, logic dictates that it is something beneficial. But bottle logic is wrong! My genius has transcended the beneficial. Now, I ride the waves of chaos. Chaos!” -Royal Apothecary Jentulf, in his final letter to the Society of Apothecaries, before his disappearance.
- P42_Unique_Ring_002 - [PH] C'mon and SLAM, and welcome to the JAM!
- P42_Unique_Ring_003 - [PH] "Lo, on the forth day the great one said, 'Let there be Crusader buffs.' and there were."
- P42_handXbow_norm_unique_03 - “Whispers abound of Kovan's insatiable lust for slaughtering the denizens of the Burning Hells. May the gods save the world if the day comes when he no longer has demons to fight” -Tales of the Wasteland
- P42_Unique_Ring_Haunt - The warriors of the Teganze believe that every being senses the Unformed Land waiting for them, whether they realize it or not. This band can disrupt that connection, resulting in an emptiness that rivals even the most excruciating physical pain.
- P42_Unique_Wand_003_x1 - Crafted around a shard that fell from the sky during the Festival of Lights.
- P42_Unique_Mojo_004 - The severed head of a homunculus is the source of much power for a knowledgeable witch doctor.
- P42_Unique_Fist_013_x1 - Each scar left in its wake is a sin forgiven.
- P42_Crusader_FoH_Belt P42_Crusader_FoH_Belt