
激战2美服9月更新前瞻 唤灵师职业改动内容

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作者:178    |    2014-09-01 10:37

激战2美服9月更新前瞻 唤灵师职业改动内容



  Last Gasp in the Soul Reaping Line – now categorized as a spectral skill and affected by spectral traits. Additionally, recharge reduced from 60s to 50s。

  摄魂特性线的临终喘息-现在被标记为鬼魂大类技能(spectral skill)和鬼魂类特性的加成(spectral traits),除此之外CD从60s改为50s。

  Unholy Sanctuary in the Death Magic Line  – In addition to healing, this trait will now activate Death Shroud if you have enough Life Force when you take a lethal blow (i..e an attack that would kill you). This trait has 30s internal CD and even if your Death Shroud is on cooldown it will circumvent that cooldown。



  Death Shroud – can now interact with things while in Death Shroud form. You can now rez allies or finish downed enemies。

  死亡之幕(Death Shroud)-死亡之幕形态下现在可以与其他东西交互了:例如复活盟友和终结敌人

  Corrupt Boon – Cast time increased 0.25s, bringing the skill to 0.5s cast time. This change also reduces the aftercast of Corrupted Boon by 0.25s。

  增益腐蚀-增加0.25秒施法时间,现在为0.5S施法时间。(从0.25改到0.5了,然后后摇动作减少了0.25 )

  Signet of Vampirism – The active time of this ability has been increased from 5s to 6s。


  Spectral Armor – Recharged reduced from 60s to 50s


  Rending Claws – Aftercast of this ability has been reduced by 0.25s. Meaning that you can activate new ability or repeat Rending Claws at a much faster rate than before。


  Ghastly Claws – Damage increased by 10%


  Necrotic Slash, Stab and Bite have all of their targets increased from 1 to 2. This means you will have a slight cleaving effect on your dagger abilities. As it is with Thief, the positive effect from these abilities can only occur once per swing。


  Locust Swarm – Duration of swiftness increased from 10s to 15s


  Lich Form -  Transformation reduced from 30s to 20s. Reduced its power scale to the player’s normal power scale. To compensate for this, we have increased the damage multipliers of the Lich abilities to be about what it was before. This change ensures your Lich Form damage remains as high as before but Signal of Fire/Air and other outside activations don’t deal exponential damage。




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