控制台(Console)添加英雄技能 |
新浪游戏 2006-07-24 14:17 |
add_skill 技能名称或者技能ID
或者 @GiveHeroSkill('英雄名字', 技能ID) 例子,你想给你选中的英雄添加后勤术。
add_skill Logistics
add_skill 1 需要注意的是,要添加能力(比如探路)则要先添加主技能(也就是后勤,如果你的英雄没有掌握这个技能的话);不需要遵守职业限制(包括职业独有能力,所以表中不再注明哪个技能属于哪个职业),比如骑士英雄本身是不能学习瘟疫帐篷这个技能的,却是可以通过控制台获得的,而且技能学习的数量可以超过游戏中显示的格式限制,虽然游戏中看不到,但是实际上效果是存在的。种族技能的主技能的等级在这里只能升到第三级,而不是第四级。在控制台中通过输入技能名称获得技能时要使用Nival游戏开发过程时用的名称,即下面的控制台使用名。
1 |
后勤 |
Logistics |
Logistics |
2 |
战争机器 |
War Machines |
War_Machines |
19 |
探路 |
Pathfinding |
Pathfinding |
22 |
急救 |
First Aid |
First_Aid |
20 |
侦察 |
Scouting |
Scouting |
23 |
弩车 |
Ballista |
Ballista |
21 |
领航 |
Navigation |
Navigation |
24 |
投石车 |
Catapult |
Catapult |
73 |
故土 |
Familiar Ground |
Road_Home |
74 |
三连弩 |
Triple Ballista |
Triple_Ballista |
86 |
敏捷异界门 |
Swift Gating |
Quick_Gating |
88 |
飞砂走石 |
Brimstone Rain |
Triple_Catapult |
99 |
死亡行军 |
Death March |
Death_Tread |
100 |
瘟疫帐篷 |
Plague Tent |
Last_Aid |
112 |
沉默猎网 |
Silent Stalker |
Disguise_And_Reckon |
113 |
注魔弩车 |
Imbue Ballista |
Imbue_Ballista |
125 |
魔像的行军 |
March of the Golems |
March_Of_The_Machines |
126 |
遥控 |
Remote Control |
Remote_Control |
138 |
传送突袭 |
Teleport Assault |
Teleport_Assault |
139 |
震颤 |
Tremors |
Shake_Ground |
3 |
启迪 |
Enlightenment |
Learning |
4 |
领导 |
Leadership |
Leadership |
25 |
理解 |
Intelligence |
Intelligence |
28 |
募兵 |
Recruitment |
Recruitment |
26 |
学者 |
Scholar |
Scholar |
29 |
理财 |
Estates |
Estates |
27 |
神奇直觉 |
Arcane Intuition |
Eagle_Eye |
30 |
外交 |
Diplomacy |
Diplomacy |
79 |
研究者 |
Graduate |
Student_Award |
75 |
神圣指引 |
Divine Guidance |
Encourage |
87 |
神奇晋升 |
Arcane Exaltation |
Master_Of_Secrets |
89 |
异界门之主 |
Gate Master |
Gating_Mastery |
101 |
亡灵领主 |
Lord of the Undead |
Lord_Of_Undead |
102 |
死亡宣告 |
Herald of Death |
Herald_Of_Death |
114 |
洞悉敌人 |
Know Your Enemy |
Cunning_Of_The_Woods |
115 |
战舞指挥官 |
Battle Commander |
Forest_Guard_Emblem |
127 |
术士奖励 |
Wizard's Reward |
Academy_Award |
128 |
人造荣耀 |
Artificial Glory |
Artificial_Glory |
140 |
黑暗启示 |
Dark Revelation |
Dark_Revelation |
141 |
敏捷光环 |
Aura of Swiftness |
Fast_And_Furious |
5 |
幸运 |
Luck |
Luck |
6 |
进攻 |
Offence |
Offence |
31 |
抗魔 |
Magic Resistance |
Resistance |
34 |
战术 |
Tactics |
Tactics |
32 |
士兵之幸 |
Soldier's Luck |
Lucky_Strike |
35 |
箭术 |
Archery |
Archery |
33 |
丰富资源 |
Resourcefulness |
Fortunate_Adventurer |
36 |
战争狂 |
Battle Frenzy |
Frenzy |
80 |
阿萨之泪的视觉 |
Tear of Asha Vision |
Grail_Vision |
76 |
报偿 |
Retribution |
Retribution |
90 |
蜂拥异界门 |
Swarming Gate |
Critical_Gating |
91 |
折磨打击 |
Excruciating Strike |
Critical_Strike |
103 |
亡者诅咒 |
Dead Man's Luck |
Dead_Luck |
104 |
寒冷武器 |
Cold Steel |
Chilling_Steel |
116 |
精灵之幸 |
Elven Luck |
Elven_Luck |
117 |
自然惩罚 |
Nature's Wrath |
Forest_Rage |
129 |
战争恩赐 |
Spoils of War |
Spoils_Of_War |
130 |
燃烧箭矢 |
Flaming Arrows |
Wildfire |
142 |
妖术师之幸 |
Warlock's Luck |
Lucky_Spells |
143 |
速度能量 |
Power of Speed |
Power_Of_Haste |
7 |
防御 |
Defence |
Defence |
8 |
巫术 |
Sorcery |
Sorcery |
37 |
保护 |
Protection |
Protection |
40 |
魔力再生 |
Mana Regeneration |
Mysticism |
38 |
躲避 |
Evasion |
Evasion |
41 |
魔法洞察 |
Magic Insight |
Wisdom |
39 |
活力 |
Vitality |
Toughness |
42 |
神奇训练 |
Arcane Training |
Arcane_Training |
77 |
坚守阵地 |
Stand Your Ground |
Hold_Ground |
81 |
神奇美德 |
Arcane Excellence |
Caster_Certificate |
92 |
炼狱惩罚 |
Hellwrath |
Demonic_Retaliation |
93 |
灵魂烈火 |
Soulfire |
Exploding_Corpses |
105 |
寒冷骸骨 |
Chilling Bones |
Chilling_Bones |
106 |
骸骨保护 |
Boneward |
Spellproof_Bones |
118 |
屹立不倒 |
Last Stand |
Last_Stand |
119 |
神奇光辉 |
Arcane Brilliance |
Insights |
131 |
抵抗攻击 |
Resistance |
Seal_Of_Protection |
132 |
法术抑制 |
Counterspell |
Counterspell |
144 |
耐力能量 |
Power of Endurance |
Power_Of_Stone |
145 |
古怪魔力 |
Erratic Mana |
Chaotic_Spells |
9 |
破坏魔法 |
Destructive Magic |
Destructive_Magic |
10 |
黑暗魔法 |
Dark Magic |
Dark_Magic |
43 |
寒冰大师 |
Master of Ice |
Master_Of_Ice |
46 |
诅咒大师 |
Master of Curses |
Master_Of_Curses |
44 |
烈火大师 |
Master of Fire |
Master_Of_Fire |
47 |
心智大师 |
Master of Mind |
Master_Of_Mind |
45 |
风暴大师 |
Master of Storms |
Master_Of_Lightnings |
48 |
折磨大师 |
Master of Pain |
Master_Of_Sickness |
82 |
炽热天谴 |
Fiery Wrath |
Ancient_Smithy |
83 |
堕落骑士 |
Fallen Knight |
Pariah |
95 |
炽热烈火 |
Searing Fires |
Demonic_Flame |
95 |
弱化打击 |
Weakening Strike |
Weakening_Strike |
107 |
致命寒冷 |
Cold Death |
Deadly_Cold |
108 |
灵魂连接 |
Spirit Link |
Spirit_Link |
120 |
魔力爆裂 |
Mana Burst |
Sun_Fire |
121 |
腐败土地 |
Corrupted Soil |
Soil_Burn |
133 |
衰竭魔法 |
Sap Magic |
Magic_Cushion |
134 |
黑暗封印 |
Seal of Darkness |
Supress_Dark |
146 |
破坏奥秘 |
Secrets of Destruction |
Secrets_Of_Destruction |
147 |
黑暗复兴 |
Dark Renewal |
Payback |
11 |
光明魔法 |
Light Magic |
Light_Magic |
12 |
召唤魔法 |
Summoning Magic |
Summoning_Magic |
49 |
祝福大师 |
Master of Blessings |
Master_Of_Blessing |
52 |
地血大师 |
Master of Earthblood |
Master_Of_Quakes |
50 |
防护大师 |
Master of Abjuration |
Master_Of_Abjuration |
53 |
咒语大师 |
Master of Conjuration |
Master_Of_Creatures |
51 |
天谴大师 |
Master of Wrath |
Master_Of_Wrath |
54 |
生命大师 |
Master of Life |
Master_Of_Animation |
78 |
守护天使 |
Guardian Angel |
Guardian_Angel |
84 |
元素平衡 |
Elemental Balance |
Elemental_Balance |
96 |
火焰抵抗 |
Fire Resistance |
Fire_Protection |
97 |
烈火勇士 |
Fire Warriors |
Fire_Affinity |
109 |
黎明 |
Twilight |
Twilight |
110 |
闹鬼矿山 |
Haunted Mines |
Haunt_Mine |
122 |
暴风 |
Storm Wind |
Storm_Wind |
123 |
迷雾之墙 |
Wall of Fog |
Fog_Veil |
135 |
抑制光明 |
Suppress Light |
Supress_Light |
136 |
驱逐 |
Banish |
Unsummon |
148 |
优雅魔力 |
Refined Mana |
Elite_Casters |
149 |
驱邪咒语 |
Exorcism |
Elemental_Overkill |
13 |
反击 |
Counterstrike |
Training |
14 |
异界之门 |
Gating |
Gating |
55 |
复仇打击 |
Retaliation Strike |
Holy_Charge |
58 |
熔毁尸体 |
Consume Corpse |
Consume_Corpse |
56 |
祈福仪式 |
Benediction |
Prayer |
59 |
地狱烈火 |
Hellfire |
Demonic_Fire |
57 |
训练专家 |
Expert Trainer |
Expert_Trainer |
60 |
恶魔标靶 |
Mark of the Damned |
Demonic_Strike |
85 |
无敌冲锋 |
Unstoppable Charge |
Absolute_Charge |
98 |
鄂加斯的呼唤 |
Urgash's Call |
Absolute_Gating |
15 |
亡灵巫术 |
Necromancy |
Necromancy |
16 |
复仇者 |
Avenger |
Avenger |
61 |
骷髅射手 |
Skeleton Archers |
Raise_Archers |
64 |
飞蝗箭雨 |
Rain of Arrows |
Multishot |
62 |
永恒奴役 |
Eternal Servitude |
No_Rest_For_The_Wicked |
65 |
准确射击 |
Deadeye Shot |
Snipe_Dead |
63 |
女妖嚎叫 |
Banshee Howl |
Death_Scream |
66 |
注魔箭矢 |
Imbue Arrow |
Imbue_Arrow |
111 |
恐怖嚎叫 |
Howl of Terror |
Absolute_Fear |
124 |
自然之幸 |
Nature's Luck |
Absolute_Luck |
17 |
炼化工匠 |
Artificier |
Artificier |
18 |
无阻魔法 |
Irresistible Magic |
Invocation |
67 |
术士标靶 |
Mark of the Wizard |
Magic_Bond |
70 |
法术强化 |
Empowered Spells |
Empowered_Spells |
68 |
熔毁宝物 |
Consume Artifact |
Melt_Artifact |
71 |
黑暗仪式 |
Dark Ritual |
Dark_Ritual |
69 |
魔镜 |
Magic Mirror |
Magic_Mirror |
72 |
元素视觉 |
Elemental Vision |
Elemental_Vision |
137 |
无尽知识 |
Arcane Omniscience |
Absolute_Wizardy |
150 |
元素之怒 |
Rage of the Elements |
Absolute_Chains |
| |
【评论】 |