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新浪游戏 2006-07-10 17:47







  中英对照....Elemental Chains

  The Elemental Chains, once the most complicated, convoluted, but ultimately rewarding racial ability in the game, has (d)evolved into a more simple system of receiving bonus damage for an attack. To see how elemental chains used to function, visit the Elemental Chains Beta page.


  What are Elements?

  Every creature and destructive spell in Heroes of Might and Magic V bears one of the four elements of the ancient world: Air, Earth, Fire and Water. The 10 destructive spells deal direct elemental damage, depending on the nature of the spell, e.g. Fireball to Fire, Implosion to Earth, Ice Bolt to Water etc. A full list can be found in the spells table below. Each creature in the game has an element which is randomly re-generated weekly


  在H5中每一种生物和杀伤性法术都由远古世界的四大元素之一组成。空气 土 火 水。 10个杀伤性法术造成直接元素伤害,根据法术自身的元素而不同...比如 火球术是火.......BLABLABLA 具体可以看下面的表格。至于每个兵种的属性是在每周随机重新生成的

  然后是关于怎样才能操作元素链...这个大家都知道的...不翻了 需要强调一点是一定要有元素视觉才可以建立元素锁链(光有祭坛没用)

  The Essence of Chaining

  Elemental Chains allow you to deal more damage in combat provided that:

  The pre-requisites outlined above have been met; Elemental Vision for Spells, and Elemental Vision and the Altar of Elements for spells and creatures.

  The defending creature is of the opposite element to your own attacking creature, which are listed below.

  Air <--> EarthFire <--> Water

  Attacking a creature associated with Air with one that is associated with Earth (or vice-versa) will result in two changes:

  The attacking creature will deal a certain extra percentage of elemental damage. The type of elemental damage - air, earth, fire or water - depends on the element associated with the attacking creature, though it makes no difference in terms of damage. The percent is dependent on a number of factors that are outlined in the table below.

  Both the attacking creature and the defending creature will have new, random elements after the attack has taken place. So if Fire attacked Water, the new elements could be Earth and Fire, Air and Water, Fire and Air, etc.

  (Note that elemental damage is calculated as a percentage of normal damage dealt)



  1 满足英雄技能和建筑

  2 被攻击的那一个生物的元素和你的攻击者的元素是对应的,即气——土 火——水


  1. 攻击方将能够造成一定奖励的百分比的元素伤害,其属性是与他的属性是一致的,不过无论属性是气 火 水 土对于造成伤害的大小都是没有影响的。其百分比的值是受下面表格中的因素影响的

  2. 攻击方和防守方都会获得随机的新元素。因此如果一个火属性的打一个水属性的他们将可能拥有四大元素中的任何一个


  Frequently Asked Elemental Chains Questions

  Q: Can elemental chains work the opposite way? What happens if an enemy's fire-aligned creature attacks my water-aligned one?

  A: The only way elemental chains work in the opposite direction too is if your opponent is a Warlock who has at least the Elemental Vision ability. Then, the damage would correspond to the other buildings and skills he/she possesses. If the enemy is not a Warlock, then they cannot make use of elemental chains.

  Q: What happens when luck strikes? And what about retaliation?

  A: When your creature is affected by good luck, the amount of elemental damage dealt reflects that. For example, if your creature deals 70 damage + 7 earth damage normally, but deals 120 damage with luck, then the earth damage will also undergo a proprtional increase - 12 damage will be dealt. In terms of retaliation, yes, elemental chains are still in effect for your creature's retaliatory action.

  Q: Are there any implications if creatures attack with non-opposite elements? (E.g. Fire and Air)

  A: No, nothing occurs in terms of elemental damage, switching elements, or otherwise if two non-opposite elements interact.

  Q: Does the unit's position on the ATB Bar come into play anymore?

  A: The unit taking its turn does not reset to its original element it began combat with. Even if it started off as Earth, and was subsequently changed to Water, it would not change back to Earth after it took its turn - it would remain as Water.

  Q: What about creatures who affect more than one enemy with one attack?

  A: In terms of creatures which have a double-strike, the two steps outlined in the "Essence of Chaining" section above occur on the first attack. With creatures like Hydras or Black Dragons, each creature is subject to elemental damage depending on their element.

  Q 元素锁链会不会倒过来伤害自己?

  A 除非对方也是Warlock 否则不会。造成的伤害是按照对方的技能来计算的。

  Q 要是是幸运一击会怎么样? 反击呢?

  A 如果你的生物打出幸运一击,那么也会计算在元素伤害中。例如你的生物一般打出70点伤害+7点土元素伤害,幸运时打出120点伤害,那么元素伤害也会增加到12点。至于反击,元素伤害在反击中也是有效的。

  Q 如果是不对应的元素的生物互相攻击(比如火和气),会怎么样呢?

  A 什么也不会发生。也不会转换元素。

  Q 该单位在行动条上的位置还有作用吗(大概是想问这个有没有影响,看回答)

  A 当进入新的一个回合后,这个单位的元素并不会回复到开始战斗时的那个。比如,一个一开始是土元素的生物,在某一回合变成了水,当下一回合开始时,他的属性还是水。

  Q 对于一次能攻击多个生物的生物或者两次攻击的,是如何计算。

  A 对于两次攻击的生物,元素伤害的加成和元素转变都只在第一步进行。对于一次攻击多个对象的如6头、黑龙,将各自计算目标的伤害。


  种族技能无阻魔法在各级别增加5% 10% 15% 20%的伤害。元素之怒祭坛增加10%(可以叠加)终极技能翻倍


  Name Level Element

  Eldritch Arrow 1 Fire

  Stone spikes 1 Earth

  Ice Bolt 2 Water

  Lightning Bolt 2 Air

  Fireball 3 Fire

  Circle of Winter 3 Water

  Chain Lightning 4 Air

  Meteor Shower 4 Earth

  Armageddon 5 Fire

  Implosion 5 Earth


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· 亡灵族战役攻略
· 历史介绍·兵种介绍·地形建筑
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