作者:喃兑啊内|时间:2018-01-30 18:08:44


8.0洛丹伦之战场景战役临时过场动画 战役地点预览

摘要:8.0洛丹伦之战场景战役临时过场动画 战役地点预览。洛丹伦之战是8.0CG的开场,之后也对应有场景战役让玩家参与其中。







  Step 01: Under Siege (New) - Find Saurfang。找到萨鲁法尔大王。

  Step 02: Spies in Our Midst (New) - Secure the Mage District。保卫法师区。

  Step 03: To the Heart! (New) - Follow Saurfang to the Heart of the City在城市的中心跟随萨鲁法尔。

  Step 04: Evacuate the Heart of the City (New) - Evacuate the Remainder of Undercity撤离幽暗城的剩余人员。

  Step 05: To Battle! (New) - Use the Portal to meet with Sylvanas Windrunner。使用传送门,面见希尔瓦娜斯。

  Step 06: Push Them Back (New) - Break their front line击溃敌人前线。

  Step 07: Defend the Azerite War Machine (New) - Defend the Azerite War Machine保卫艾泽里特攻城器。

  Step 08: Our Secret Weapon (New) - Use blight on Alliance forces to drive them away。对联盟军队使用瘟疫,驱离他们。

  Step 09: Like Wildfire (New) - The Alliance have breached the wall。 Meet with Nathanos Blightcaller to intercept them at a crucial chokepoint。联盟已打破了城墙。与纳萨诺斯·凋零者会面,在这紧要关头阻止他们。

  Step 10: Holding Them Back (New) - Intercept the Alliance with Nathanos Blightcaller。与纳萨诺斯·凋零者一道,阻止联盟。

  Step 11: The King Piece (New) - Defeat King Anduin Wrynn and his Allies。击败安度因·乌瑞恩国王与他的随从。

  Step 12: Cry Havoc (New) - Sylvanas has called for the retreat。希尔瓦娜斯已下令撤退。

  Step 13: The Dark Lady (New) - Rendezvous with Sylvanas in the keep。在营地与希尔瓦娜斯见面。


  Step 01: The Third Fleet (New) - Meet with Genn Greymane inside Brill。与吉恩·格雷迈恩在布瑞尔会面。

  Step 02: Clearing the Way (New) - Siege Towers Defended围困城防塔楼。

  Step 03: Clearing the Way (New) - Defeat the Azerite War Machine击败艾泽里特攻城器。

  Step 04: Breach the Wall (New) - Keep Undercity‘s forces at bay with King Anduin until the trebuchets breach the wall。与安度因国王在海湾处阻挡幽暗城军队,直至投石机打破城墙。

  Step 05: Blighted Grounds (New) - Evacuate wounded soldiers before they are infected by plague gas。在被瘟疫感染前,撤离受困的士兵。

  Step 06: The Light is Fading (New) - Fall back with King Anduin Wrynn。与安度因·乌瑞恩国王后退。

  Step 07: The Winds of Change (New) - Find Jaina at the walls of Lordaeron。在洛丹伦城墙处找到吉安娜。

  Step 08: What Lies Beyond (New)

  Step 09: The Great Eagle (New)

  Step 10: Pressing Onward (New)

  Step 11: Abomination Wonderland (New) - Assault Lordaeron City突入洛丹伦城。

  Step 12: Blast! (New)

  Step 13: She‘s Getting Away! (New) - Pursue Sylvanas in the Gyrocopter。乘旋翼机追赶希尔瓦娜斯。

  Step 14: The High Overlord。 (New) - Defeat High Overlord Saurfang。击败萨鲁法尔大王。

  Step 15: The Dark Lady (New) - Pursue Sylvanas。追赶希尔瓦娜斯。


  Step 01: In the Dead of Night (New) - Infiltrate Stormwind City。渗入暴风城。

  Step 02: Down the Drain (New) - Open the sewer access gate。打开下水道栅门。

  Step 03: The Stockades (New) - Infiltrate the Stockades。渗入暴风城监狱。

  Step 04: Honor and Loyalty (New) - Release High Overlord Saurfang。释放萨鲁法尔大王。

  Step 05: The Primary Objective (New) - Release the prisoners and escape the Stockades。释放囚犯们,逃离暴风城监狱。

  Step 06: The Stormwind City Shuffle (New) - Escape Stormwind City undetected。趁还未被发现,逃离暴风城。

  Step 07: WAY Behind Enemy Lines (New) - Escape the Cathedral district。逃离大教堂区域。

  Step 08: The Harbor Run (New) - Reach Talanji‘s ship in Stormwind Harbor。抵达暴风城港口,塔兰吉的船舶处。

  Step 09: Well, Ship (New) - Slay Admiral Lockheart。击败海军上将洛克哈特。

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