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第二幕 血钱

凯恩之角  2011-06-02 18:09

迷失的小女孩 疯狂国王的刑讯室 李奥瑞克的王冠 黑王的暴政
失踪的女孩 丢失的货车 拉格那雕像 死灵法师之书
矿工的金子 伊莱撒的项链 血钱 崩塌墓穴
受困者 寻找阿卡努斯之城






  Blood Money is a quest given by an NPC, or by a Wanted Poster in the Canyon Rim Mines area on the surface of Act II. Players must find Husam, a wanted outlaw, slay him, and return his head to Captain Dagved in the Enclave of Khamsim to earn the full reward.Players who saw this one in the Blizzcon 2009 demo didn't get to test it out completely enough to be sure exactly how this one worked, but there seemed to be two ways to get the same quest. There were several NPCs in the Enclave of Khamsim, all of whom talked about different quests in each game (randomly generated). Some quests had to be done before others would be given, and some of the NPCs just talked with gossips that didn't actually lead to quests. The Blood Money quest was given, in different games, by an NPC named Captain Dagved, and by a Wanted Poster. It wasn't clear if both could give the same quest in the same game, or if it was always one or the other in a given game, randomly. In either event, the mission was the same. Players had to find a notorious outlaw who was hiding in the Outlaw Camp, kill him, and return with his head. It seemed that the head had to be brought back to Captain Dagved if he gave the quest, to earn the reward. If the quest came from the Wanted Poster, simply killing the outlaw was enough to earn the reward. In either event, his head rolled cleanly free after he died, which was fairly convenient。

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