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第二幕 寻找阿卡努斯之城

凯恩之角  2011-06-02 18:13

迷失的小女孩 疯狂国王的刑讯室 李奥瑞克的王冠 黑王的暴政
失踪的女孩 丢失的货车 拉格那雕像 死灵法师之书
矿工的金子 伊莱撒的项链 血钱 崩塌墓穴
受困者 寻找阿卡努斯之城



  这个任务是由从暗黑2里回归的NPC艾席拉处获取的,艾席拉看上去一点都没有变老而且还当着佣兵队长,她告诉玩家阿卡努斯在凶险的沙漠废土深处,常人难以到达,玩家的角色英勇无惧,告诉艾席拉不论如何自己都会找到阿卡努斯,每个角色的台词会稍有不同。在和艾席拉对话之后,玩家会离开狭窄的峡谷进入一个开阔的区域:破碎通道。在接下来的游戏流程中,玩家会沿着场景中一条窄小肮脏的路前行至阿卡努斯,最终游戏中这条路是不是目前这个样子,甚至有没有都是个未知数。虽然这个任务是demo中的主线任务,但是却相当无趣。。。。玩家要做的就是不断地沿着路走,当玩家最终到达了阿卡努斯之后,什么奖励也没有,连boss战也没有。。。。 当玩家到达阿卡努斯城之后,会发现整座城市已经被黑暗信徒所控制,市民们都被囚禁起来,城里到处都是尸体,玩家最好在黑暗信徒转变为恶魔形态前杀死他们。玩家可以点击笼子来释放被囚禁的市民,被释放的市民会感谢玩家的善举然后逃出城市。解救市民偶尔会掉落物品,但是这种情况很少见,估计是有bug。


  Find Alcarnus was the main quest in the BlizzCon 2009 demo. Alcarnus was in the demo a small, ruined, overrun city deep in the desert wastes, conveniently located at the end of a long, winding dirt road from the gates of Caldeum. Follow the Path The main quest was given by the NPC Asheara, apparently making her return from Diablo 2. In a short conversation Asheara, who appears ageless and is still employed as a mercenary captain, told the new player that Alcarus was lost, and unreachable across treacherous desert wastes. Your character was undaunted, and replied confidentially that they would find it nevertheless. Each of the four classes had slightly different dialogue, but they were united in their self confidence and determination to see the mission through。

  This quest was quite minimal in execution, and seemed like something the developers created just for the BlizzCon demo. This quest and the city of Alcarnus will likely be quite different in the final game. After speaking with Asheara, players had no choice but to work their way out of the narrow, winding canyons into an open area; the Sundered Pass. Through that level, and the levels beyond, a narrow, twisting dirt path led. Following this path would lead characters straight to Alcarus, just as the dirt path led players through all the surface areas of Act One in Diablo 2. It's not known if this path will be there in the final game, or it was just a helpful feature added for the demo. The Quest Although the mission to reach Alcarnus was the main quest in the 2009 Blizzcon demo, it was one of the least interesting missions available. There was nothing to do but follow the road through the desert. No clues were offered, no special tricks had to be performed. Your character just had to get there. This was easy to achieve, eventually, but took some hurrying to make it in the 20 minutes players had to try out the game on the show floor. Most players did not, since there were so many fascinating diversions and monsters that led one away from the path。

  Completing the quest was also an anticlimax, since there was no end. Players simply had to reach Alcarnus to receive credit for the quest, but there was no reward, or even a final boss battle. The message in the quest window was the only thing that changed, and once you reached the town it simply said, "The scene in the city was even worse than you’d feared."

  This was due to the demo being a pared down version of the full game, and the real game will have much more to the quest, plus the city will not be a dead end. The City In Alcarnus your character discovered horror and misery. The Dark Cultists had overrun the city and slain or imprisoned all of the inhabitants. Maimed and gruesome corpses were everywhere, many of them skewered on stakes or stretched out on torture racks. Dark Cultists abounded, and had to be slaughtered, ideally before they could transform into the much more dangerous Activated Vessels。

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