Mawdrey 是工艺制作的升华品质背部,目前无法确认是否是最终版本。
你需要制作 神秘藤蔓 背部然后做 栽培藤蔓 背部,这是个粉色背部可以选择属性组合的。
(升华礼赠)Gift of Ascension*1
(球形凝固迷雾精华)Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence*1
(晶化尘堆)Piles of Crystalline Dus t*10
Mawdrey II 是一个植物(plant)[在包裹里双击即可],你喂它50个血石尘(Bloodstone Dust)会给你一个礼物,打开之后一般会获得一些材料和垃圾(哼哼)[一天只能吃200个血石尘]。
做Mawdrey 时候会送给你Mawdrey II
400 工艺(Artificer)
400 厨师(Chef)
400 猎手(Huntsman)
400 珠宝(Jeweler)
500裁缝(Tailor) / 盔甲锻造(Armorsmith) / 皮革(Leatherwork)
A:(陶罐)Clay Pot*1(400工艺制作师)
(炽光尘堆)Pile of Incandescent Dust *15
(热电催化试剂)Thermocatalytic Reagent *25
(球形灵质)Glob of Ectoplasm *5
(黏土砖块)Brick of Clay *25
B:(狐火簇)Foxfire Cluster *20 (可以TP购买)
C: (血石尘)Bloodstone Dust*300
D:(血石砖)Bloodstone Bricks *6
(血石尘)Bloodstone Dust*600
(黑曜石碎块)Obsidian Shard*12
(热电催化试剂)Thermocatalytic Reagent*60
E:(橙色幸运精华)Essence of Luck*4(不需要专业等级)
稀有幸运精华*8 或 精制幸运精华*16 或 优质幸运精华*80
F:Mists Stone*1——需要原始碎层古物(Pristine Fractal Relics)*5个进行兑换
G:(厚实皮革边料)Thick Leather Section*200
H:(碟装肉食肥料)Plate of Meaty Plant Food*7(400 猎手Huntsman)
(强效毒嚢)Potent Venom Sac *14
(强效血瓶)Vial of Potent Blood *14
(大型骨骼)Large Bone *14
(炽光尘堆)Pile of Incandescent Dust *14
I:(碟装芳香肥料)Plate of Piquant Plant Food*7(400厨师)
(厚红肉)Slab of Red Meat *14
(断魂椒)Ghost Pepper *14
(藏红花纤维)Saffron Thread *14
(狐火簇)Foxfire Cluster *28
J:Grow Lamp*1(400 珠宝Jeweler)
(充能石英晶体)Charged Quartz Crystal *10(每天只能做一个)
(星陨基座)Orichalcum Setting*10
(日长石碎片)Sunstone Lump*25
(钟表扣链齿轮)Watchwork Sprocket*25
K:1 +5 痛苦灌注(Agony Infusion)
Agony*16 +1 灌注(Infusions)
(热电催化试剂)Thermocatalytic Reagent*15
L:Heat Stone*1 【500 裁缝(Tailor) / 盔甲锻造(Armorsmith) / 皮革(Leatherwork)】
小型幻景水晶(Lesser Vision Crystal)*1 ((龙岩锭)Dragonite Ingot*2,(至纯之心)Empyreal Star*2,(预言者之石)Angur’s Stone*1,(血石砖)Bloodstone Brick*2)
(熔火磁石)Molten Lodestone*10
(玛瑙磁石)Onyx Lodestone*10
(热电催化试剂)Thermocatalytic Reagent*15
第1步:Mists Infused Clay Pot
[A] Mists Stone*1 ——需要原始碎层古物(Pristine Fractal Relics)*5个进行兑换 【第二页】
(陶罐)Clay Pot*1
(狐火簇)Foxfire Cluster *20
(血石尘)Bloodstone Dust*100
Mists Stone*1
[C](陶罐)Clay Pot*1 (400工艺制作师)
(炽光尘堆)Pile of Incandescent Dust *15
(热电催化试剂)Thermocatalytic Reagent *25
(球形灵质)Glob of Ectoplasm *5
(黏土砖块)Brick of Clay *25
[D]点击Mists Infused Clay Pot 将(改良的种子)Pet Seed 转化为Pet Seedling
第2步:Elementally Charged Plant Food
[A]你必须拥有“栽培藤蔓(Cultivated Vine)背部”,然后才能继续。
[B]前往漩涡山-迪德里之阶,吸取元素精华的选项,获得 元素精华,
(厚实皮革边料)Thick Leather Section*100
(碟装肉食肥料)Plate of Meaty Plant Food*7
(血石尘)Piles of Bloodstone Dust*100
Pile of Elemental Essence*1
[D](碟装肉食肥料)Plate of Meaty Plant Food
2 (强效毒嚢)Potent Venom Sac
2 (强效血瓶)Vial of Potent Blood
2 (大型骨骼)Large Bones
2 (炽光尘堆)Pile of Incandescent Dust
[E]喂给 Pet Seedling 使其转化为 Pet Sprout(嫩芽)