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I’ve had some experience with ministers, not all are bad
Do you like your jobs?
9:与大臣 Estelle (Minister Estelle)对话,如下:
I know all about you
I have a question. Is it true that you work closely with Lord Caudecus?
Tell me more (x2)
Kasmeer, what do you think?
Minister Estelle, can you repeat that?
Tell me more
Tell me more
Shy, huh?
10:再次与大臣 Estelle (Minister Estelle)对话
Did you hear what the queen discussed with Scarlet?
Tell me more (x3)
Minister Estelle, can you repeat that?
Tell me more
I heard the queen was escorted out for her safety
11:再次与大臣 Estelle(Minister Estelle) 对话,如下:
You’re sticking by the claim that they arranged this in the throne room?
Tell me more (x3)
Minister Estelle, can you repeat that?
Tell me more
Tell me more
Tell me more
You told your accomplice to say it was a black cape
最后与伯爵夫人 Anise (Countess Anise )和 Kasmeer 交谈之后,你会获得这个成就。
超级警探(Super Sleuth) – 15 成就点
跟大臣Estelle(Minister Estelle)对话,这可以让你跳过上一个成就无声警探 (Sneaky Sleuth)中的1、2、3、步骤,然后按照接下来的步骤进行,就可以得到该成就。
在最后 Kasmeer 和 Anise 谈话之后可获得改成就。
无间警探(Shoddy Sleuth)– 5 成就
步骤1 中,贵族(noble)对话,第三选项选择4次,然后第一选项选择1次,然后按照无声警探(Sneaky Sleuth)接下来的步骤就能完成改成就。
If he was, then he’s probably involved in these nasty lies about the queen x4
Were You attending Court that day? x1
(laugh) If you’ve seen one minister, you have seen them all x1