2013-04-09 18:01

新浪游戏 > 单机游戏 > 《生化奇兵:无限》中文专题站 > 游戏攻略 已有_COUNT_条评论


  原文:Samuel always thought that the pew on Sunday went hand in hand with the desk on Monday. “Science is the slow revelation of God’s blueprint。” After two years in the Lamb’s tower on Monument Island, he took ill with cancer of the stomach. I prayed to the Prophet, and the Prophet delivered unto us a miracle through his servant, Fink. I do not know if I will ever get used to a husband bound in a skeleton of metal, but … better a Handyman than a dead one。


  标题:我服役期间的耻辱(Shame of My Service)



  地点:富兰克林堡(Fort Franklin)

  原文:They called Slate a monster and a traitor.I know the men who died in the Hall of Heroes with Captain Slate.There is no shame to be counted in their number.The shame lies to we who assembled outside the hall.Though we were not the ones who fell,I feel only envy for those who perished under his banner。


  标题:跟其他东西一样的产品(A product like any other)



  地点:工人求职中心(Worker Induction Center)

  原文:The truth is, I don’t have a lot of time for all that prophecy nonsense. I tell you, belief is … is just a commodity. And old Comstock, well, he does produce. But, like any tradesman, he’s obliged to barter his product for the earthly ores. You see, one does not raise a barn on song alone. No sir! Why, that’s Fink timber, a Fink hammer, and Fink’s hand to swing it. He needs me -- lest he soil his own。


  标题:谎言的种子(Seed of a Lie)




  原文:I hold in my hand the private journal of Comstock’s wife. It puts the lie to this “Miracle Child” nonsense. She loved the child not. It seems the sainted lady would have preferred to let the “seed of the Prophet” just … dry out on the bedsheets …


  标题:我们需要一个牧羊人(We've need of a Shepherd)



  地点:林晨枪匠店(The Great Chen Lin,Gunsmith and Machinist)

  原文:I have a pressing need to speak to this so-called “False Shepherd” stirring up so much trouble. We got enough problems without this damn fool shooting up the city and blamin’ it all on the Vox. Though, if he’s amiable … yeah … yeah, he might be just the fella we need for our … immediate concerns。


  标题:真正的忠诚(A truer allegiance)



  地点:热情广场(Plaza of Zeal)

  原文:I came to Columbia because I believed in God and because I believed in honor. But Slate has shown me this: there is no God in shutting our brothers out from the family of man; and there is no honor in defending those who are strangers to its meaning. Perhaps in Finkton, there is one more deserving of my service …


  标题:改变心意(Changing my tune)



  地点:美好时光俱乐部(The Good Time Club)

  原文:I had thought you a fool, dear brother. When you told me that you heard wonderful music trumpeting from holes in the thin air, I began to doubt your mental integrity. But not only have you made your fortune from these doodads, you have lit the path for me as well。


  标题:主的设想是冷酷的(HIS Design for Cruelty)




  原文:To tax the black more than the white,is that not cruel?To forbid the mixing of the races,is that not cruel?To give the vote to the white man,and deny it to the yellow,the black,the red--is that not cruel?Hm.But is it not cruel to banish your children from a perfect garden?Or drown your flock under an ocean of water?Cruelty can be instructive,and what is Columbia,if not the schoolhouse of the Lord?


  标题:看不见的肤色(The invisible color)


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