2013-04-09 18:01

新浪游戏 > 单机游戏 > 《生化奇兵:无限》中文专题站 > 游戏攻略 已有_COUNT_条评论


  原文:I guess even in a restricted area,these crackers need someone to clean the floors,hm?Hmph.Those politicians and scientists don't bother 'bout what they say 'round me,because I'm some half-lettered colored boy.But I can tell they scared out of their wits by that thing they got locked upstairs.yessir.They got a tiger by the tail,and they don't know whether to hang on...or run。


  标题:致:R·汤普森 关于:保险丝(To: R. Thompson Re: Fuses)




  原文:Uh, Mr. Thompson, sir, I replaced the entire fuse bank as asked, and the lights were all in working order last...last night...there they go again. We go through boxes of fuses every day as of late, just in the Siphon alone, I don't...Oh! Oh, Lord, something's happening! What-- *screams*


  标题:迟来的奖励(A Reward Deferred)




  原文:It is one thing to imagine one's future. And another to see it. I have seen the seeds of fire that will prepare the Sodom below for the coming of the Lord. But Elizabeth shall sow those seeds, not I. I will fall before the job is done...but she shall take up my mantle. The Lord is calling me home. I feel His love in ever tumor, because they are the train which takes me to his station. And I go with joy, knowing that Elizabeth will take my earthly place. But the False Shepherd is coming to lead my Lamb astray. I will not board that train until she is safe from his deceptions。


  CZ75注:“羊羔”指伊丽莎白,“假牧羊人”(False Shepherd)指主角布克·德维特,在基督教中,“牧羊人”也有引领教民走上正路的先知的意思,见《约翰福音》10:11——10:15:“我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命,若是雇工,不是牧人,羊也不是他自己的,他看见狼来,就撇下羊逃走。狼抓住羊,赶散了羊群。雇工逃走,因他是雇工,并不顾念羊,我是好牧人,我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我,正如父认识我,我也认识父一样,并且我为羊舍命”(和合本)。

  标题:她的能力的来源(The Source of her Power)

  讲话者:萝萨琳德·卢特斯(Rosalind Lutece)


  地点:实验体观察室(Specimen Observation)

  原文:What makes the girl different? I suspect is has less to do with what she is, and rather more with what she is not. A small part of her remains from where she came. It would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge。


  标题:在河中诞生(Born in the River)




  原文:The Prophet may know how his own biography's going to end -- but I can scarcely fathom how I'm going to start it. Other than that kid's stuff you get at the Hall of Heroes, anything prior to his baptism was, and here I quote, hang on, "left on the riverside." They'll call me a plagiarist, but I'm going to spend the first 30 pages regurgitating scripture。



  讲话者:黛西·菲茨罗伊(Daisy Fitzroy)


  地点:商场(The Arcade)

  原文:When I first see Columbia, that sky was the brightest, bluest sky that ever was. Seemed like...heaven. Then your eyes adjusted to the light and you saw that sea of white faces lookin' hard back at you.。.


  标题:狗一般的忠诚(A Dog's Loyalty)




  原文:As a boy, I had a dog named Bill. And like all dogs, Bill was a loyal friend. If we had not fed him, Bill would have been loyal. If we had struck him, Bill would have been loyal. Only when the colored man can make that claim will he take his place in society。


  标题:要活捉她(Take Her Alive)

  讲话者:艾丝特·梅勒(Esther Mailer)


  地点:公园售票处(Park Ticketing)

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