护甲才是王道 《辐射4》免伤系统详解

2015-11-18 16:53:18   来源:新浪游戏



  辐射4这次使用的是动态伤害减免,你的防御和对方攻击比较,防御超过对方攻击伤害后,防御效果(根据gengxiaoqi童鞋的提醒这里应该翻 译成防御收益?)就极大下降。具体公式为50 potential weapon damage against 0 damage resistance (no ratio): ~50 damage is done (0% damage reduction)。

  60 potential weapon damage against 10 damage resistance (1/6 ratio): ~57 damage is done (~5% damage reduction)。

  20 potential weapon damage against 10 damage resistance (1/2 ratio): ~13 damage is done (~35% damage reduction)。

  20 potential weapon damage against 20 damage resistance (1/1 ratio): 10 damage is done (50% damage reduction)。

  30 potential weapon damage against 60 damage resistance (2/1 ratio): ~10 damage is done (~61% damage reduction)。

  25 potential weapon damage against 500 damage resistance (20/1 ratio, easily possible with power armor):~4 damage is done (~83% damage reduction)。




  Damage resistance returns in Fallout 4。 However, the stat is no longer a 1-1 relationship with actual % damage reduced, as its value can be seen to be as high as 1000 on power armor。


  Instead, the amount of damage reduction the player character gets out of the damage resistance is actually based on how much potential weapon damage is coming in; unlike previous games, net damage reduction is based on a ratio between the potential weapon damage done and the damage resistance, with diminishing returns for high damage resistance。


  The amount of damage reduced by damage resistance climbs very quickly until damage resistance is about half of the potential weapon damage, after which diminishing returns means you get less and less damage reduction per point of damage resistance。 Notably, if damage resistance is exactly equal to the potential weapon damage done, then exactly half of the damage is negated。 In other words, if you have 50 ballistic damage resistance and are shot by an enemy doing 50 ballistic damage, then you‘ll receive 25 damage。

  玩家的提升护甲带来的伤害减免提升非常迅速,直到护甲达到可能性武器伤害的一半。之后收益下降,意思是你从每点护甲中会获得越来越少的伤害减 免。值得注意的是,如果护甲正好等于伤害,则正好减免一半伤害,换句话说,如果你有50点实弹防御然后被敌人造成了50点伤害,你会受到25点伤害。

  Note that the most important factor is the ratio between damage resistance and potential weapon damage。


  The upshot is that unlike previous games, it is very hard to get to the point where e.g。 enemy damage is reduced to the range ~20%。 In addition, because the ratio between damage resistance and weapon damage is so important and because damage reduction grows very quickly at first for low values of the ratio, a higher damage resistance pays off mostly because it gives you better damage reduction against more-damaging attacks, not necessarily because it gives you better damage reduction against the same, weaker attack as before。

  伤害上限与之前系列不同,非常难让高级敌人(e.g=end game)的伤害减少到20%以下(80%伤减20倍防伤比)。另外因为防伤比如此重要,而且在低防阶段收益增长超高,更高的防御大部分时候都是很有效 的,因为在面对更高伤害的时候防护会提供更高的减免,而不是会给你更高的减免当你面对弱小的攻击。

  In other words, going from 20 to 40 damage resistance will only further reduce the damage done from a 10-damage shot by about ~12% (~61% to ~69% damage reduction), but it will dramatically boost your damage reduction against a 100-damage grenade by about 23% (~10% to ~30% damage reduction)。 Howeve, significant mitigation against such high damage is harder to achieve, since it is harder to get enough damage resistance to generate an appreciably high resistance-to-damage ratio。 In otherwords, getting a 5-1 ratio is easy against a 20 damage shot, but very difficult (essentially limited to power armor) against a 100 damage grenade。

  换个角度说,从20点到40点抗性对抗10点伤害只会进一步减少大约12%伤害(从61%提升到69%),但是当面对100点伤害的手雷时候会 伤害减免效果会提升到23%(从10%到23%)但是获得足够高的减值对抗如此高的伤害是困难的,因为很难获得足够的伤害抗性来达到较高的防御伤害比,换 个句话,20点伤害获得5比1防攻比很简单,但是很较难达成对抗100点伤害(基本只有用动力甲)

  All final values below are adjusted by difficulty (for a player attacking an enemy):

  x2.0 Very easy

  x1.5 Easy

  x1.0 Normal

  x0.75 Hard

  x0.5 Very hard

  x0.5 Survival

  Note that this is applied *after* the ratio and exponent are calculated, so damage resistance is applied on the base potential weapon damage, before difficulty-based multipliers are included in。 This means that damage resistance is the same level of effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) on every difficulty level。


  x2.0 Very easy

  x1.5 Easy

  x1.0 Normal

  x0.75 Hard

  x0.5 Very hard

  x0.5 Survival




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