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新浪游戏  2015-03-17 17:06

  Developers decided NOT to implement the penetration nerf in 9.7. It will come together with gold ammo nerf in one of the upcoming patches。


  - Separating newbies from experienced players on lower tiers does not mean that experienced players will end up on top of their teams less;


  - The above mentioned segregation is active no matter what vehicle do the experienced players drive;


  - According to Storm the Jpz E-100 170mm gun penetration is historical;


  - For now, received XP buff for arties is not being considered (related to the fact that earlier there was a piece of news that the artillery might get more XP per kill);


  - The hissing sound HEAT shells make upon impact is not historical, it’s there for players to realize they were hit by a HEAT shell;


  - WG doens’t have the option to release many things by mini-patches (they have to wait on big ones most of the time, mini-patches are reserved for critical issues);


  - Storm checked and apparently the lower front plate of HD E-100 and Jpz E-100 is correct (cca 49 degrees);


  - AMX-30 gun lengths are correct;


  - The rule that premium tanks have worse stats than regular ones is still in effect (RG: And keep it that way);


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