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新浪游戏  2015-03-17 17:06

  - In the future, vehicle renders for PR purposes will be made from in-game hangar so players don’t feel cheated that the vehicle on WG renders looks awesome and in the battle looks worse;


  - Earlier, Storm announced that the matchmaker will be reworked for new version. Current state however is that this change will either not come at all or in very distant future as the person dealing with MM is very busy;


  - 9.7 will apparently bring “new Soviet premium” (probably T-54 Model 1945);

  9.7会有“新的苏联金币车”(估计是T-54 M.1945)(译者按:二雷说呵呵你说啥)

  - Storm confirms that WG will not re-introduce ultra-HD texture pack;


  - For the purposes of nerfing, CW tanks (M60 and Object 907) do not count as premium vehicles (they can be nerfed freely);


  - Historically, Super Pershing was “tilted forward” due to the weight of additional armor (stressing the frontal suspension greatly). In the game, the devs decided not to do this because it would make the upper frontal plate angle worse than it was;


  - HD Super Pershing has wrong turret additional armor size, it will be fixed;


  - Regarding the UFP additional armor angle of Super Pershing, there was a longer discussion, the result was inconclusive – some WG developers do not believe photos of the vehicle (blaming apparently perspective) and are sticking strictly to angles written in documents;


  - Developers are currently discussing removing the North-West map from the game completely (RG: it’s possible that this will happen even in 9.7)。



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