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6号Q&A 带柏林字眼的战车都是活动用
新浪游戏  2015-03-06 15:08

  Thursday, 5 March 2015

  05.03.2015 QA。

  Here it is:


  - Confirmed: Super Pershing HD model will most likely not be in 9.7, the armor needs some changes;


  - New 9.7 French tanks do not have auto-loaders;


  - Type 59 in HD will come in one of the upcoming patches;


  - No special connection between AMX40 and the new 9.7 branch will happen;

  AMX 40与9.7迷你分支那几辆车不会有特殊联系(没有科技树拐过去,尽管很像)

  - WG is actively fighting rigged personal missions and punishing the riggers, the bans are however happening in waves and do not have to be immediate (RG: Good! Hunt them down!);


  - T-34/85 Rudy will use Soviet crew;


  - ISU-122S, IS-2 "Berlin", Cromwell "Berlin", Objet 244 and Steyr Waffenträger are event tanks and it's possible there will be a task to get them in your garage permanently (not as event tanks that get removed after the "fun" mode is over) (RG: As long something over the op isn't required should be ok)

  ISU-122S、IS-2 柏林、克伦威尔 柏林、244工程以及克虏伯斯太尔都是活动坦克,也许会有任务,做完后这些车会永久地留在你的车库(而非像以前的娱乐模式那样到时候就收回



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