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Valve官方中英文翻译 我眼中的哥伦布MLG(5)
本文作者系Valve聘请的TI3官方翻译,负责翻译所有中国选手的赛前和赛后采访。也参与了中国队的介绍视频的字幕制作。 本次MLG期间一直陪同DK dotaland主要提供有关于中国DOTA2的新闻报道,新闻评论,分析,博客,日记,以及网上各种言论的中译英。

  Throughout the weekend, DK were regularly mobbed by fans looking to get pictures and autographs, perhaps because DK were unable to make their session. Hopefully they were available enough throughout the event to make up for their absence at the session. On finals day, they had far less time to pause for signings and photos, and even still, they tried their best and often I had to play the bad guy to ‘drag’ them out of a crowd of fans in order to keep them on schedule. Hopefully no one was let down, and hopefully everyone understands the scheduling… BurNIng always had a conflicted look on his face whenever he had to decline.


  And then, without much downtime at all due to scheduling delays, DK were up to play against Speed.int in the Finals of MLG Columbus. They’d come so far, and perhaps this was the closest any of them had been to a title in recent times. It was Mushi’s first final ever, in fact. DK won game one after a gruelling back and forth battle, with LaNm carrying the team on his spectacular Earthshaker play. After that game, backstage, LaNm was exhausted. He looked like he’d run a marathon, and indeed, he probably did the mental equivalent. By this time, DK hadn’t eaten since breakfast around 10am. A lot of players prefer not to eat full meals within a reasonable time of a competitive game, so you can imagine just why guys like LaNm are so skinny.


  One more win, one step away.


  In the end, DK faltered. LaNm was practically asleep during the game 2 draft, and from a casual fan’s point of view (my point of view, that is), his seating in the center of DK’s five isn’t a coincidence. He’s the beat of the team, the rhythm-keeper, and when he’s tired, the team feels it. (For those that are curious about DK playing the second semifinals, refer to thisreddit postto learn more) Some of the drafts were questionable too, perhaps another result of the team, and BurNIng, being really tired. After the loss, Mushi sat quietly for a bit, the rest went without talking, and then they waited for each other to head back to the hotel together. It was nearly midnight already, and MMY, BurNIng, and LaNm all went up pretty quickly and fell asleep. Mushi came back down after a while, he and iceiceice hung out with us on the second floor lobby. We ordered some pizza and pasta delivered and the two of them, with me and my girlfriend, we four sat peacefully, eating and chatting into the night until about 2:30am.


  BurNIng, MMY, and LaNm were to leave at 6am in the morning for their flight back to China and I was to go with them to make sure everything went smoothly. Originally iceiceice and Mushi were supposed to come along too, but their flight being only at 11am, they decided to head to the airport later. At nearly 3am, we all headed back up to our respective rooms, said our goodbyes. A few minutes later, iceiceice messages on Wechat (instant messaging service) asking what room I’m in… and appears at the door in his boxers. He insists on giving me the stuff from the bag that MLG gave to each player — a Steelseries mouse and mousepad, and a Turtle Beach headset. So right now I have in my possession the headset that iceiceice used live in his off-stage games at MLG. o_O. Thanks ice. Then we say what we think are our last farewells for the weekend… Hotel fire alarm goes off ten minutes later, and we see iceiceice and Mushi again in the lobby. Evidently, the rest of DK has slept through the alarm.

  BurNIng,MMY和LaNm要坐早上6点(北京时间周一晚上8点)的飞机回国,我得和他们一起去机场以确保事情都顺利。本来iceiceice和Mushi也要一起去的,但是他们的飞机11点(北京时间周二凌晨1点)才飞,他们决定迟点去机场。大约3点的时候(北京时间周一下午5点),我们告了别,回了各自房间。几分钟以后,iceiceice用微信联系我问我在哪个房间。然后穿着四角内裤出现在门口。他坚持要把MLG给每位选手发的东西给我——一个Steelseries鼠标和鼠标垫,一个Turtle Beach头戴式耳机。所以现在我手上有iceiceice在MLG副舞台比赛时用过的耳机。o_O。感谢表弟。然后我们互相告别,以为这是我们最后的告别。十分钟后酒店的火警突然响了,我们在大堂又见到了iceiceice和Mushi。显而易见,DK的其他人都睡过去了。

  Sometime during the night, we ran into Dendi. He offered a photo op with him, but then added on that it would be ten dollars. Instead, I offered him the photo op with myself, he accepted, and thus I got a free photo. And he gave me a hug too. That made me feel better about the finals that had just ended… Thanks Dendi, you’re cool. I’ll see you next time too.


Hello Dendi.你好Dendi

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