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Valve官方中英文翻译 我眼中的哥伦布MLG
本文作者系Valve聘请的TI3官方翻译,负责翻译所有中国选手的赛前和赛后采访。也参与了中国队的介绍视频的字幕制作。 本次MLG期间一直陪同DK dotaland主要提供有关于中国DOTA2的新闻报道,新闻评论,分析,博客,日记,以及网上各种言论的中译英。

  本文作者系Valve聘请的TI3官方翻译,负责翻译所有中国选手的赛前和赛后采访,也参与了中国队的介绍视频的字幕制作。本次MLG期间一直陪同DK dotaland主要提供有关于中国DOTA2的新闻报道,新闻评论,分析,博客,日记,以及网上各种言论的中译英。同时也有部分原创内容,本文就是其中之一,dotaland的目的在于给世界一扇窗,来更好的了解中国DOTA2的世界,包括好事和坏事。用作者(对欧美读者)的话来说,dotaland反应的情感和观点也许并不全面,所以请有保留地阅读。并且请记住,中国有上百万dota玩家。


  Going into this MLG, the first Dota 2 MLG, I didn’t really know what to expect. Never having been to Columbus before, that added to the mystique. In the end, I came out of it with a truly unforgettable experience, friendships, and a new-found understanding for why so many pro players are so damn skinny. I apologize in advance for the relative lack of pictures, as it’s a personal thing for me to not abuse my access when I’m invited to an event.This is my point of view from MLG Columbus 2013 as both an invitee to help with DK, and as a Dota 2 fan there for the spectacle, and finally, as a DK fan.

  加入这次MLG,第一次有dota2的MLG,我并不真的知道能期待些什么。我从没去过Columbus,这也增加了神秘感。但到最后,我发现这真的是难忘的经历,建立了难忘的友谊,并且知道了为什么这么多职业选手这么尼玛瘦。首先我要道歉配的图片比较少,因为我不能滥用权利。这篇文章是从我的视角来看MLG Columbus 2013,既是作为一个被邀请来协助DK的人,也是作为一个到现场的粉丝,最后,也作为一个DK粉。

  Thursday Nov 21, 20132013年11月21日 星期四

  I left home in Seattle at 5am sharp to catch a series of flights that would guarantee I arrive in Columbus with a few hours to spare before DK’s plane was scheduled to arrive, the reason being that my first duties for MLG Columbus entailed being at the airport with the hired van driver to pick up DK and get them to the hotel. MLG had rented a big comfy van and a driver for this purpose, and around 9pm I got the call from the driver downstairs of the hotel and we headed over to the airport. Whilst waiting, Sigma and NaVi both went by and Dendi noticed me, got a goofy grin on his face and waved, to which I grinned back and waved probably even more goofily. His team seemed to be like “what you doing bro” and he gestured in my general direction. A brief time later, and the first of DK appeared at the foot of the escalators, coming down from the upper level of the airport to the baggage claim area. iceiceice, Mushi, and MMY, then BurNIng and LaNm. BurNIng smiled, somewhat surprised I was there I suppose, but seemed happy enough. A familiar face after nearly a full day of travel, perhaps? I waved as they approached, greetings were made, and iceiceice asked some random questions. We waited for their checked bags, and then we were off to the van to the hotel.


Team DK at the Columbus Airport大DK在Columbus机场

  On the way to the hotel, I asked if they were hungry, and hungry they were. After getting them into their rooms and dropping their stuff off, by this time it was nearly 11pm, and so we simply decided on getting them food at the bar on the second floor of the Hilton. They got some pizza and wings, and LaNm wanted a burger, so he got that too. Iceiceice got a single pork belly slider — it was good, he said. While eating, MLG’s Adam happened upon us, and the introductions were made. Awesome guy, super straightforward kinda dude, he made sure that DK were as comfortable as they could be with their accommodations and filled me in on the basics of what to expect for the weekend.

  在路上,我问他们饿不饿,他们果然很饿。在回房间放下东西以后,已经11点多了(北京时间次日下午1点),我们决定只是去希尔顿2楼的酒吧简单吃点。他们吃了点匹萨和鸡翅,LaNm要了一个汉堡。Iceiceice要了一个pork belly slider(点击查看这货pork belly slider究竟是什么),据他说很好吃。吃东西的时候MLG的Adam碰巧过来,我就给他们介绍了一下。他是个很棒的家伙,超级直接的那种。他确认了一下DK住的很舒服,并给我基本地讲了讲周末的事情

  With stomachs filled, the team was ready to rest up. LaNm would room with BurNIng, and BurNIng jokingly asks LaNm if he snores. LaNm exclaims that, no, he doesn’t! Mushi and iceiceice are together, while MMY rooms with the manager Farseer. I update them on the schedule for the next day: venue opens at 10am, teams are free to enter at that time to practice on the many stations MLG had set up backstage, the event officially starts at 5pm, etc. MLG really had their bases covered regarding practice space for the teams — there was never a lack of stations for teams to warm up and watch replays on and players had full access to these stations during all hours of the event — well played.


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