
2016-01-19 18:23:02   来源:新浪游戏



奖杯图标 奖杯名称及达成条件
游侠网All Trophies
Earned all other trophies。
游侠网Till All Are One
Completed all chapters on any difficulty。
游侠网Supreme Commander
Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Optimus Prime。
游侠网Sting Like a Bee
Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Bumblebee。
游侠网The Wizard of Iacon
Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Wheeljack。
游侠网Raging Bull
Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Sideswipe。
游侠网The King
Completed all chapters on any difficulty using Grimlock。
游侠网All Clear
Completed all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty。
游侠网Halfway There
Completed half of all Challenge Mode missions on any difficulty。
游侠网No Stone Unturned
Collected all collectible items。
游侠网Avid Collector
Collected half of all collectible items。
游侠网Synthesis 101
Synthesized 10 weapons。
游侠网Full Throttle
Defeated 100 enemies with Vehicle/Dino Attacks。
游侠网(Don‘t) Hit the Brakes!
Defeated 100 enemies with Rush Attacks。
Completed all chapters, earning the highest rank, on difficulty COMMANDER or greater。
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Catch this!
Used parrying to catch the following from an enemy: a boulder, a missile, and both drill types。
游侠网Pedal to the Metal
Used Focus 100 times。
游侠网Quick Reflexes
After dodging, quickly countered with a melee attack 100 times。
游侠网Bullet Storm
After dodging, quickly countered with a ranged attack 100 times。
Performed 100 successful head shots。
游侠网Urban Landscaping*
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Surround Sound*
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Wrecking Crew*
Hidden Trophy
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Triple Changer*
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Destruction Derby*
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Don‘t Look Him in the Eye*
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Broken Radio*
Hidden Trophy
游侠网Emperor of Destruction*
Hidden Trophy


  《变形金刚:毁灭》相信不少玩家都已经体验过了,游戏究竟怎么样呢?一起来看看玩家分享的简单体验心得,一起来看看吧!   ...

相关《变形金刚:毁灭》通过审核 国行你买不买?
2016-01-19 18:21:11 来自:单机游戏-新闻



2016-01-18 11:38:58 来自:电视游戏-新闻

《变形金刚:毁灭》通过审核 国行你买不买?

  今日公布的2016年进口游戏审批信息中,《变形金刚:破坏战士》(即《变形金刚:毁灭》)过审。审核信息看这里。  本作是一...

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2016-01-18 22:50:37 来自:文章


  .  (原标题:变形金刚与安装摄像头作者)

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2016-01-14 20:54:32 来自:文章

中国网络游戏排行榜(China Game Weight Rank)是由新浪游戏推出的目前国内最全面、最专业、最公正的最新网络游戏评测排行榜,涵盖2010至今内所有新游戏,力图为中国游戏玩家打造最值得信赖的新网游推荐平台。

评天下游戏、测产品深浅—新浪中国网络游戏排行榜CGWR! http://top.sina.com.cn

“全民手游攻略”是新浪游戏为全球手游玩家量身打造的一款手游攻略大全及专业游戏问答社区APP。“全民手游攻略”涵盖Apple Store游戏畅销榜前150名手游,网罗最新手游通关秘籍,帮助玩家畅玩手游;打造最全手游攻略资料站,帮助你用最省钱的方式吊打土豪。最火爆专业的游戏问答,让众多游戏大神带你开启不 同的手游人生,寻找和你志同道合的小伙伴一起并肩作战。

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