Armor of the Gun Mantlet:
It can be seen that the size of the embrasure behind the gun mantlet has decreased more than twofold! Therefore, the area where the gun mantlet overlaps the turret armor has been increased significantly, with the resulting armor thickness of 300mm or more in these sections。
Armor of the mantlet Pre 9.14 Patch:
Armor of the mantlet Post 9.14 Patch:
Turret Damage Model:
Turret armor protection is displayed in the image, with areas of effective armor less than 220 mm highlighted—these areas can be viewed as vulnerable spots compared to the rest of the turret’s armor。
The armor protection pattern is displayed this way due to the complex structure of the surface。 This variant will be easier to perceive, since we are only interested in weak spots。
It can be seen that the pre 9.14 model had one large weak spot on the left-side of the gun。 The new model has two such areas—at the left and at the right of the gun, but each of them is slightly smaller than the weak spot in the previous model。 Moreover, the new model does not have the weak spot on the gunner’s sight。
Turret damage Model Pre 9.14 Patch
Turret damage Model Post 9.14 Patch:
Side Armor Changes:
Lastly, we examine the changes made to the side of the tank int he new patch, and give the Pros, and Cons of said changes
Side Armor Pre 9.14 Patch:
Side Armor Post 9.14 Patch:
Pros and cons regarding Side Armor:
+ Main side armor plate has has been increased to 142 mm instead of 138 mm。
+ A stripe of reinforced armor has been added (screen of 56 mm + side armor of 136 mm)。
+ The prominent part of the fender, which could be penetrated following the rules of overmatching, was removed。
– Effective armor thickness of the side frontal plate has decreased a bit, which is balanced by the fact that the effective armor thickness of this frontal armor has increased slightly。”