责任编辑:Seven 橙橙 页面设计:Seven 制作:Seven
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  2016-03-11 11:29:15

  First, lets examine the front of the tank:


  Pre 9.14 patch:


  Post 9.14 patch:


  (+ improved; = has not changed; +/- partially improved, partially worsened, with the overall balance as the result; – worsened):


  + Cupola has been decreased in size


  + Turret roof has been decreased in size


  = The Lower glacis is decreased in size, but is also slighter weaker


  = The height of the vehicle is slightly shorter


  + The driver’s hatch is now increased in size (this is a good thing, as you will notice in the next section)


  + The gap between the track and the fender has been decreased slightly


  = Tracks have become noticeably bigger and now comprise external elements of the suspension。 This will also make the tank easier to “track”。


  Armor Protection

  The values displayed in the next images DO NOT factor in normalization。 It should be understood that these values are given for comparison purpose only (previous/new model)。 They should not be used as a basis for conclusions on whether a particular gun would penetrate a certain area of the vehicle’s armor。

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