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新浪游戏  2015-03-18 18:18


  This vehicle does not really need any introductions, because its fame precedes it. The T-62A is one of the most popular medium tanks in its tier thanks to the balanced characteristics and enjoyable handling. This Soviet medium is fast, agile, responsive, accelerates nicely and is fairly accurate, both when stationary and on the move. Even though the gun does not bring you to your knees with its alpha damage, its superb rate of fire gives it an impressive Damage Per Minute value, thus compensating for the mediocre 320 points of average damage per shot. What is more, the vehicle is characterized by decent values in both camouflage and view range, which make it quite effective at spotting support as well。

  这车好的我都不想拿来推荐给你们,实在是真的牛B不是装B。 62A是最平衡最美态最时尚的中型坦克。灵活 迅捷、反映灵敏。无论静态动态,点子都非常正。尽管JJ不是那种非洲大铞,但是精准和每分钟的抽插次数保证让你流下深刻印象。320单发这些细节绝对不是 问题。更重要的是他伪装起来大隐于市,发现问题洞若观火,这样优秀还不跟他结婚?

  The downside of the T-62A is definitely its unremarkable armour. Even though the turret plate is thick and nicely rounded, the hull leaves much to be desired in terms of protection, and basically any gun this tank faces in battle can deal damage to it. Also, unreliable plating makes module damage a common occurrence, especially the engine and ammo rack. Last but not least comes the rather limited gun depression value, which makes it a relative nuisance to fight in hilly terrain。


  The T-62A’s playstyle is that of a dynamic support vehicle. Its duties in battle include spotting the enemy, providing fire support, flanking, intercepting enemy scouts and hunting artillery. Due to its good mobility, this tank is also a very welcome addition to any wolfpack. Keep on the move, avoid approaching high alpha damage vehicles from the front, and use your impressive rate of fire to harass the enemy. If pinned down, try hiding your hull and playing with your turret – if positioned properly, your turret can deflect shots surprisingly well. However, it is not advisable to rely on it too much。

  T-62A的职业是一个动态投资决策者,他的职责包括发现风 险,提供技术支(HEI )持(QIANG ),拦截对方投机者(LT)和消灭远期隐患(SPG)。由于非常良好的适应性,他很适合加入一个狼性团队,通过技术操作,避免正面蛮干的粗暴工作方式。并 用精确持久有效的输出方式取得成功。如果非要正面强攻,那么隐藏肌肉不发达的身体,用完美的大脑来解决问题。如果使用得当,你会抵御很多冲击。但是蛮干始 终是不可取的,需要冷静。

  ank tip: Minding that one of your tasks on the battlefield is to highlight enemy vehicles for the big guns on your side, consider installing Coated Optics on your vehicle. Thanks to this piece of equipment, you will gain a 10% bonus to your view range, which will noticeably increase your effectiveness as the team’s spotter。




  “Where’s your armour now, Captain Sluggish?”




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