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新浪游戏  2015-03-18 18:14

  - It was not decided yet whether limited MM premium vehicles will be removed from the stores or not (RG: Apart from fail platoon I don’t see a reason why they should, would instead prefer seeing the matchmaker range of each tank being shown in the game, makes no sense that have to install a mod for that);


  - Individual mission choices do not influence what map are you going to get (some player was complaining that he now gets only city maps with light tanks);


  - View range TD and arty nerfs are not connected to the change of render range from square to a circle;


  - There are no historical reasons why TD’s should have more view range than tanks;


  - It’s a well known fact that visual model has four quality versions (levels of detail) depending on the view range, the collision model however does not change with distance;


  - Q: “The only purpose of the penetration nerf is to make people shoot with gold ammo!” A: “We removed it, so you can breathe easy now. Stop writing crap。”;


  - Potential damage (damage stopped by armor) doesn’t count HE shells in its calculations;


  - Apparently, the Cromwell Berlin has a wrong visual gun model and the IS-2 Berlin has wrong description. It will be fixed;


  - New UI is being worked on;


  - Not only penetration nerf was scrapped in 9.7 – all the other “compensation” buffs (like the accuracy on the move for several medium tanks) were cancelled as well;


  - HD Type 59 will not come in 9.8;


  - Storm confirms: South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village are candidates for removal from the game;


  - The IS-3 in HD post was made earlier (the HD model will come in 9.8) because “many players waited for it”;


  - It’s possible that HD model of King Tiger will come relatively soon;


  - Developers confirm: the frontal plate angles of HD model of IS-3 are a bit different than in real life due to the technology used;




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