There was a small debate on what to do with Foch 155. Proposed solutions are the following:
-Keep the autoloader but nerf the gun stats badly (aimtime, bloom), by perhaps 20 percent;
-Simply remove the autoloader, keep the gun as it is;
-Replace the gun with tier 9 Foch’s 120mm (but with autoloader) with “probably” a penetration buff。
There are major issues with these solutions however, as simply removing the autoloader would make Foch 155 a clone of the existing tank destroyers (it’s the main feature that makes it different). Another major issue is its weak side armor and the vehicle would have to be buffed somehow not to make it completely obsolete. Nerfing the gun and keeping the autoloader would make the vehicle completely suck according to the developers and is considered the worst solution. Changing the gun to 120mm would make the vehicle more balanced, but other aspects would have to be buffed, such as mobility and handling. Also, 120mm alpha is kinda weak for tier 10 and the difference between tier 9 and tier 10 would be “bland” (Object 263 mentioned here as reference). There is no conclusion or solution to this discussion, it is ongoing。
-Despite what whiners say, Storm is completely right (meaning there’s no ulterior motive) referring to the changes of the penetration of the guns since they (the nerfs) are meant to meant armor count for something. WG realizes there was an increased “power creep” every now and then;
-Gold shells will be getting a nerf too;
-The “explanation” of regular penetration shell nerf in order “to make players buy more gold” is just “whiners being retarded”, Storm refers in his message that “tier 10 medium tanks are perfectly capable of delivering pain to any tank, they will have to actually aim now
- as example, the projected penetration changes for the E50M are perfectly capable of damaging the lower plate of most tier 10 tanks, heavy or medium alike and any weakspots, otherwhise, why would they be called weakspots?”
-Penetration nerfs do not come alone, tanks will be mostly compensated with other buffs;
And next time, Insider will tell us about Wargaming’s cancelled projects and who knows, maybe some breaking news as well…