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新浪游戏  2015-03-16 18:02

  Hello warriors,


  recently, it was leaked that the Chinese tree would get a new tier 8 premium tank, a Type 59 hull with Patton turret. Naturally, given how ridiculous this thing is, most people simply assumed it's a fake from "SerB's design bureau" (and a bad one at that). But is it really?





  To find out, we contacted the best person for such question - Wargaming's very own historian, Yuri Pasholok. He confirmed that the vehicle is "real" - in a way。

   为了找到答案,我们找到最合适解答这类问题的青年历史发明家:尤里 Pasholok,他认为从某种程度讲这坦克是真实的。

  As you probably know, China has some very specific laws and it is for this reason that the Chinese server is completely independent. In return, the Chinese server operator, a company called Konzhong pays Wargaming license fees and also provides some information on Chinese vehicles。


  And here's the issue. Pretty much nothing coming out of Konzhong is verifiable in western sources, so stuff like T-34-1, T-34-2, 112, 113... all these could theoretically be fake. They were given to Wargaming simply as a DVD with a bunch of drawings (no historical documents or anything, just drawings) with descriptions and designations。

  这就是问题的关键,没有西方人可以接触到这些原始的信息并验 证真假,所谓的T-34-1,T-34-2,112,113的数据就是由坑爹网自己胡乱编造的,仅仅提供给我纯洁无辜尊重历史大白毛子一堆意淫的图纸(无 历史文献或任何依据,只是图纸)、瞎编的描述以及(坑爹网原创概率很大)的命名,刻在一个DVD光盘里。

  The Type 59/Patton hybrid is exactly this case as well. It comes from Kongzhong without any photo or proof. According to the Chinese, this project didn't exist other than as a proposal - it was a product of the "thawing" of relations between USA and China and never went anywhere, as it was significantly flawed from early on (the turret rings don't match and there is no real reason to put a Patton turret on Type 59, it's not like it is better or anything). Chinese "favorite" method of explaining absence of any documents is that the "prototype was destroyed during nuclear trials", so if something like this appears in the description... well, we'll just have to see。

  巴顿炮塔的59也是这样,它纯粹来自坑爹网的要求,没有任何 照片或者证据。仅仅依据中国美国曾经有过短暂的蜜月期这个历史背景。这个东西没有任何存在的可能,因为这一看就是早期的M48巴顿炮塔(美国人不可能用比 59还原始的产品来帮助中国改进59)。所有质疑坑爹网的疑问他都统一回答:我们国家习惯于把失败的设计样车送到核试验场当靶子,你要的证据已经化为金属 蒸汽了。所以这样的事情我们以后还会看到,处女座考证党只能看开点:要真实去当兵




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