- the ability to freeze accounts (including the run of premium account, “vacation mode”) will not be available anytime soon – and if it comes in the future, it will be very limited. Freezing only the premium time without freezing the account itself is not even considered
- currently, multi-level water (SS: as in, lakes at various heights, cascades etc。) is technically possible, but it won’t come soon
- Black Prince armor wasn’t changed in 0.8.6
- Storm states that when it comes to vehicle balance and gameplay, the “rock-paper-scissors” principle still remains, just that there are two triangles now (HT-MT-TD and HT-arty-LT) and some of the vehicles are not as firmly belonging to one group as two years before
平衡游戏时,三角平衡关系一直存在。例如目前的两种HT-MT-TD 和 HT-arty-LT。同两年前相比,有些车的定位不再是只属于一种。举个例子,XX本身即是轻型也是中型。同时克制火炮和TD。
- developers are aware of the various fan-made trees, they have been corresponding with some sensible discussion participants from the threads dedicated to these fan-made trees. On this, SerB states that players in general have little authentic info on Japanese tech
- Murazor’s (SS: a popular WoT Russian blogger) opinion is apparently not more important to devs than the opinions of other players (SS: parallels can be drawn here with SOME EU/US players, who think they influence WG at every step)
- the “sell this tank for gold” function will be available only in very limited cases when the vehicle characteristics will change significantly, definitely not a standard option
- the top Conqueror turret is balanced as it is apparently (SS: a player was complaining that it is actually worse than the stock turret in some aspects, SerB stated that one has to take into account the armor slope and the fact it can carry a more powerful gun)
- Soviet D-5T-85BM has 10 ROF on T-34/85, 11,11 ROF on T-43 and 10,53 ROF on T-44, apparently this is intentional
- SerB states that skill MM based on some statistics (doesn’t matter what statistics) is technically possible (SS: it will not happen)
- “expert” medals (SS: not sure how they are called in english, master?) do not take premium tanks into account, because some premium tanks are practically impossible to meet in randoms
- the 0.8.6 premium shells for the Konisch gun were “sold” automatically during the patch implementation, because the developers wanted to nerf them, added them to the automatic sell list and in the end didn’t nerf them after all
Konisch 炮的金币弹会在8.6自动卖掉,因为开发组打算削弱,变成银币蛋。
- open-topped vehicles have better viewrange than other vehicles of their class (!)
- some idiot made a video with him using illegal mods and posted it in the developer thread. Made SerB happy, apparently
- SerB states that as far as he knows, the side mesh screens on Panzer IV Schmalturm do not work as spaced armor, it’s possible they will be added, when all the models will are reworked
Q: Why does the BL-9 in-game have a muzzle brake? Is it a real gun?