- whether your ammorack is full of shells or not (whether you loaded all the shells) has no effect on tank characteristics (doesn’t limit movement like the weight does). This is intentional, so that people wouldn’t go into battle with only a few shells and then screw their team by running around with no ammo
- it’s possible that one of the upcoming patches will contain something to improve the account security (no details yet)
- worldoftanks.ru portal is visited by less than 1 percent of active players
- the gold consumables for 1/2 price can also an experiment (SS: which probably means that if it is successful enough, it will stay)
- functions inspired by some mods will continue to be added, if the mods don’t break the game that is
- further tier9/10 arty nerfs? “If necessery. We decide, what is necessery。”
- devs don’t consider the French premium arty (LeFH) to be directly nerfed, it won’t be possible to sell it for gold – as for mechanism changes (such as accuracy for arties, or the lower 105mm HEAT penetration), those affect more vehicles than just the LeFH, that’s why they are not considered direct nerfs
- Storm states that the sounds of impact were even more “bland” in real life, it’s not like the tank was supposed to “ring” like a bell
- the mechanism of bush camo was not changed from 0.8.5
- no rebalances of light tanks (in connection with the new tier 9/10 arties) are planned
- the E-100 turret moving, that was deemed “too much” earlier will be eventually revisited, but it has very, very low prioritye
in 0.8.6, second ricochet of a shell is still impossible
the developers are tracking the effect of various game changes on the amount of people buying gold
- apparently, there was a second Superpershing historical variant, but the developers decided to implement the one, which they had more data on
- the loader perk Adrenaline Rush 10 percent HP threshold won’t be increased
- according to SerB, the fact that the tank disappears one second after it is lit up can happen, it’s neither a bug, nor a change in 0.8.6
ps 这与点亮和隐蔽机制有关。你点亮敌人是一个随机的时间,他灭点的时间和技能,涂装,草都有关系,也就是说轻型亮了躲草丛秒灭完全办得到。
- the “tasks” on test server (SS: you know, the thing where you did recieve ridiculously high rewards for god knows what) was just an experiment
- apparently, voting (about WG matters) in the game won’t be implemented