当前位置:新浪DOTA2专区 >> 正文 新浪游戏┊时间:2014-08-01 14:09
[新闻]VG俱乐部辟谣 称FY将不会离开战队


  Vici Gaming reassured fans via twitter that their support player Lin Sen Xu, better known as fy, is set to stay with the team and that any rumors regarding his departures are just that.


  Every year after The International, the Dota 2 scene is in turmoil as most teams seek to make changes. Before the dust has settled, Vici Gaming has publicly announced that one of their players will not leave the team. Lin 'fy' Sen Xu is set to stay with the team。



  He is the only player TI4 runner-up ViCi Gaming has made a statement about, leaving the futures of the other four team members uncertain to the public. There are many rumors concerning Vici Gaming, especially around fan favorite and captain Bai 'rOtk' Fan. Speculations amongst fans that he might retire are however without any proof so far。


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