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新浪游戏>>单机游戏>>星际争霸 官网  客服电话:021-63601099转216 责编:1890
新浪游戏 2005-01-13 11:57 火爆论坛 网友投稿




  "我们是根据站队在媒体上的曝光度和参加的活动保守估计宣传效果的",ktf发言人Jang Ki-wook说




  ktf的死对头SK Telecom 韩国最大的无线通讯运营商,在4月份打造了拥有最受欢迎的星际选手boxer的SK T1站队.

  The Pantech Group,韩国第三大电话销售商,跟着在8月份打造了拥有传说中的星际天才nada的P&C站队.

  Samsung Electronics,三星电子,世界第二大移动电话制造商,从2000年开始一直赞助着Kahn职业站队.




  Hyundai 投资和安全分析师Han Ik-hee如是说.


  Pro Gamers Save KTF W46 Billion

  By Kim Tae-gyu

  Staff Reporter

  KTF, Korea’s runner-up mobile carrier, garnered an advertising effect worth 46.8 billion won via its professional-gaming clan over the past five years with minimal investment.

  KTF said Sunday it has spent 4.5 billion won on its online game squad, the ``MagicNs,’’ since 1999 and has since acquired more than 10-fold the amount.

  ``We calculated the advertising effect conservatively based on the team’s exposure to the press and their participation in marketing events,’’ KTF spokesman Jang Ki-wook said.

  He added the real advantage would be even greater when factoring in fan club activities and the popularity of the MagicNs, often billed as the ``Real Madrid’’ of the online game league due to its strong line-up.

  KTF has maintained stable sponsorship for the MagicNs, which features Hong Jin-ho and Kang Min, the top-tier gamers of ``Starcraft,’’ the popular network-based game released by U.S.-based Blizzard back in 1998.

  The success of the MagicNs explains why mobile telephony service providers and handset manufacturers have rushed to the e-sports of late, such as SK Telecom and the Pantech Group.

  KTF’s ferocious rival SK Telecom, the country’s No.1 wireless carrier, launched the ``T1’’ team in April, which includes Lim Yo-hwan, one of the most popular Starcraft players, Lim Yo-hwan.

  The Pantech Group, the nation’s third-biggest handset vendor, followed suit in August by kicking off its ``Curriors,’’ which features the legendary Starcraft prodigy Lee Yun-yeol.

  Samsung Electronics, the world’s second-largest mobile phone maker, has also managed a pro-gaming team called ``Kahn’’ since 2000.

  Analysts say the mobile phone-related companies have jumped onto the gaming bandwagon to jazz up their image by exerting a strong pull from online game fans, who are typically in their teens and early 20s.

  ``The game fan demographic attracts handset makers and wireless operators since the young fans are also the mobile phone outfits’ main customers,’’ Hyundai Investment & Securities analyst Han Ik-hee said.

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