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欧服官方指导:我的滑板鞋 FV215(b)
新浪游戏  2015-03-24 11:38

欧服官方指导:我的滑板鞋 FV215(b)

  Vehicle Overview


  As mentioned before, the FV215b is not the easiest tank to command. The main reason for this is that its hull armour is significantly inferior to its peers. Add to this its huge silhouette and low top speed and you have the recipe for a shell magnet.Moreover, the tank turret is located on the rear part of the vehicle, which, in turn, requires a different play-style to what you may be used to. Last but not least, it has to be pointed out that due to its mediocre armour, the FV215b is quite prone to crew injuries and module damage, especially the engine and ammo rack。


  However, these cons are evened out primarily by the vehicle’s gun. The L1A1 120mm gun this vehicle is equipped with is truly state of the art, with an extremely good rate of fire, high accuracy (both when stationary and on the move), fast aiming time and good depression value. In fact, it is the fastest-firing Tier X heavy (excluding autoloaders) and can literally rain shells upon the enemy. Also, despite the rather underwhelming hull armour, the FV215b’s turret actually has quite decent protection and can bounce a fair few shots. Also, it is noteworthy that the tank’s HP pool is 2,500 hit points, which is a lot even by Tier X standards。

  不过一炮遮百丑不是说说的,你用它摩擦摩擦多听几次还是很有 味道的,你会发现这炮简直是现代科技的时尚结晶,火控好精度高,动静态射击均准,俯角还很不错。除了弹夹车外它还是摩擦速度最快的,一步一步似爪牙,似魔 鬼的步伐。炮塔实际上防护也很不错,加上2500点高于平均值的血量,真是天黑都不怕。

  Keeping in mind the above, it is evident that the FV215b is not the perfect vehicle for the first line of attack. As such, you should play it like a support vehicle and allow your better-armoured peers to lead the charge while providing covering fire yourself.This tank is perfect for dealing follow-up damage. By that, we mean attacking the enemy vehicle right after they have fired and are retreating to reload。


  In fact, the FV215b can sometimes fire two shells in the time it takes an enemy vehicle to shoot just one. Therefore, jumping out on an enemy that has just fired and is busy reloading can result in you landing two painful hits in their hull and moving back behind cover before they are able to return the favour. When you’re engaging a slow-firing enemy, it is good to place your first shell in their suspension to immobilise them – a grounded target is a sitting duck for other tanks on your team, as well as for artillery. While doing this, make sure that the target isn’t protected by other tanks – otherwise you may find yourself tracked and quickly neutralised instead。


  Speaking of artillery, remember this: arties love the FV215b. Bearing in mind your bad speed, big size and unreliable armour, you can rest assured that enemy SPGs will never hesitate to target you if you’re out in the open. Needless to say, carelessness by driving through an open field can end up going pretty badly for you very quickly. Therefore, when using this vehicle, try to always have some form of cover in your vicinity that you can retreat behind when spotted。


  If you find yourself engaging the enemy head on for some reason, make sure that you can hide your hull behind a pile of rubble, a wreck or any other similar form of cover – being shot in the lower glacis can result in engine damage and fire. If no such cover is available, you can try using larger cover, such as a house, to hide your frontal plate and side-scrape the enemy fire. However, please note that your side armour isn’t particularly strong either, so if you’re up against the big guns, forget this tactic and hide. Also, don’t go anywhere alone – you won’t last long against multiple opponents. You are a supporting vehicle and, as such, you are meant to stay in the second line and let others spearhead the offensive。

  如果实在要肛正面,那么找个瓦砾堆或者残骸,最好是T95来 藏你的车体。被炸B炸也好过正面发动机起火。有房子的地图可以试试文艺伸缩,不过在这个10级大铞满地走的版本,先看清楚对面是谁在决定要不要装B。就算 要装B也不要一个人落单,你没啥抗群殴的资本,你就是个滑板鞋而已又不是鼠爷。所以改卖队友的时候就卖个好价钱,让别人先上。

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