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新浪游戏  2015-03-02 10:28

  First Impressions of the New Physics


  Posted onFebruary 27, 2015bySilentstalker—15 Comments ↓

  Hello everyone,


  as you probably already know, the new motion physics test was started in the morning – you cancheck the details here。


  All I can say about is… go try it, because it’s really hard to describe the feeling with which the tanks handle now – and no, videos don’t help either. You really have to feel it。


  I’ll try to describe it a bit anyway though, as best as I can。


  First thing you’ll notice (apart from the laggy server, more than usual anyway) is that the tank movement (any tank really) is more… I don’t know, fluid. No longer does the tank react in a “choppy” manner (as if you were turning a tank toy with your hand instead of a real tank). Those, who are afraid of too many “drifting” tanks (like in War Thunder) can rest easy though, the tanks don’t have terrible tendencies to drift and the turning is quite accurate. If I was to compare it to something, I might think WG got heavily inspired by Armored Warfare alpha (there the movement feels just as fluid), but considering how long this feature was developed, I’d say it’s simply a case of parallel development, that reached roughly the same goals。

  首先你注意到的将是,坦克的移动更加流畅(原作者并不清楚应该怎么描述)。坦克对操作的反映不再有波浪式的感觉(好像你在操纵一个玩具坦克而不是一辆真车)。那些害怕出现像WT中有大量漂移坦克情况的玩家大可放心,测试中的坦克没有过于明显的漂移倾向而且转向操作十分精确。如果要打比方,我认为WG从Armored Warfare alpha中获得了大量灵感(那当中的操作就像液体流动般流畅),但是考虑到未来的发展我认为这二者殊途同归。

  Basic movement forward and backwards however has a MAJOR change – first, some tanks accelerate much slower. This is especially visible on Panzer IV – it feels much more sluggish. Second, what is worse is that they brake much slower as well. It feels completely different than the usual WoT and I suspect the braking (if implemented like this) will cause huge issues to players, who are used to current model. It happened to me in practically every battle that I was planning to hide behind an obstacle and I used the “usual” routine to brake, only to end up meters behind the obstacle, because I didn’t count in the intertia。




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