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新浪游戏  2015-03-02 10:28


  It’s neither good or bad, it is new. Personally, I don’t know. Some parts of this new movement mechanism are very good, especially:

  - tank movement is very fluid, tanks no longer get stuck on even small obstacles, let alone rails

  - handbrake works (needs the sound effect though)

  - different behavior on different terrains

  - better terrain passability for lighter vehicles (can climb on obstacles)







  Some however are bad – and by bad I mean anything from “needs a tweak” to “WTF is this shit” level:

  - no handbrake sound effect as I mentioned (yes, it IS important)

  - some surfaces are way too slippery

  - braking is way too slow, some vehicles have way too much intertia and players, used to current system will not get used to this easily (they will pass obstacles and get themselves open to enemy fire)

  - acceleration of some tanks is much slower (Panzer IV)

  - hitting an obstacle (stone, wall, corpse) can make your vehicle seriously change direction, resulting in you being shot because you are suddenly not behind cover anymore







  It’s a good start. Personally, I’d remove more inertia from the tanks and fix the obstacles, for starters。




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