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新浪游戏  2015-03-02 10:28

  Next feature is the handbrake. As far as I am concerned, it has one major flaw. There is no special sound effect for its use (connected to sliding tracks for example, tank equivalent of “screeching tyres”). As such, it’s pretty hard to determine, whether your tank is already “slipping” or not and therefore it’s also hard to create a perfectly controlled drift. And yes, tanks do drift a lot, especially the light ones, but even for heavy tanks, on some surfaces (Himmelsdorf cobblestones), the tank behaves a bit like on ice – not as bad as in War Thunder, but enough for you to notice and be annoyed. Other than that, the handbrake works exactly as advertised – it locks your track. Some tanks can use it to make VERY sharp hull turns even in lower speed – this might become a balance issue: where you previously managed to destroy an enemy by circling around it, it’s possible that due to this new mechanism, the enemy will keep up with your circling (as I learned the hard way in the AMX-13/90)。



  Speaking of Himmelsdorf – I noticed a very nasty feature of the new physics there. Basically, running into some obstacles (houses, barricades, stones, but even corpses) makes (instead of locking you on them like previously) your tank sort of “bounce” from them, resulting in (sometimes drastic) hull turns – an example: in IS-3, I was going backwards to be stopped by a mound of rubble (you know, one of the ones in the banana corridor on Himmesdorf map). Instead of being stopped by it, the tank “slid” off it, angling the hull by cca 30 degrees, much to the amusement of another IS-3 that was shooting me。



  Pushing… tanks are now much easier to push around. I don’t have to tell you how annoying it is for lighter tanks. What is strange is that this applies to corpses as well. Actually, it looks good, now corpses are no longer “stones”, they can be thrown around a bit, looks very fancy。


  Climbing… the vehicles can get on all sorts of obstacles now. How that will influence the gameplay (for example mediums getting through mountains previously inaccessible), I have no idea. As I mentioned, the movement is much more fluid though, that counts even for overcoming obstacles, that previously made the vehicles swing like mad。


  Turning on the roof… I tried to do it several times, including trying to make enemy tanks fall on their roof. Unless you push someone off the clip or some really strange coincidence occurs, it’s not easy to do “just so”. As such, I’d discount this mechanism as mostly marginal, you won’t be tripping vehicles on roofs on regular basis。



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