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新浪游戏  2015-02-09 19:19

HEAT Shells


  In update 8.6 for World of Tanks HEAT shells were changed.Before this update HEAT shells would not ricochet or “bounce” off but now they do so at 80°.HEAT shells now also loose 5% of their penetration value for every 10cm travelled after hitting the first layer of armor. This means that spaced armor/tracks on tanks will greatly hinder HEAT rounds. Overall HEAT shells remain a very viable round against non-space armor sections of tanks but hitting any type of spaced armor will usually result in the round being absorbed and negated。

  在坦克世界更新8.6时修改了HEAT弹的机制。之前HEAT弹不会发生跳弹或者“被弹开了”,但是更新之后当入射角大于80°时就会发生跳弹。现在HEAT在击穿第一层装甲后,每前进10cm还会损失5%的 穿深。这意味着间隙装甲/履带将会极大的阻碍HEAT弹的击穿。所有的HEAT弹在面对坦克无间隙装甲的部分都能有效发挥作用,但是通常来讲击中任何形式的间隙装甲上都会使炮弹无效。

  Compound Angles


  Armor which is angled both horizontally and vertically can be difficult to damage and figure out what the actually armor value is.As stated earlier only one of the angles is normalized if it is armored both horizontally and vertically which helps armor like this retain it’s strength。


  The formula to figure out the armor values is…


  Effective Armor Formula for Compound Angles: (Thickness/cos(angle1°))/cos(angle2°)

  复合角度下的等效装甲厚度=(厚度/cos(角1))/ cos(角2)

  To find the armor values for AP rounds you will use the same formula above, but only subtract the 5° normalization value off of the highest angle. Therefore, if a piece of armor is angled at 45° vertically and 30° horizontally then you will only add the normalization change to the 45° angle since it is the highest。


  Zero Damage Hits / Spaced Armor


  Zero damage hits are a big complaint of many players both new and experienced. In most cases they are easily explained and avoidable since many occur due to spaced armor. Spaced armor is found on all tanks in the form of tracks or the mantlet.These areas have two layers of armor while require a shell to pass through both to do damage.Therefore, when your shell hits an area like this and “penetrates” but fails to do damage it has failed to penetrate the second layer of armor and has only passed through the outer spaced armor layer。


  Tracks on all tanks add an added layer of armor and should be avoided unless you know your gun’s penetration is high enough or you want to actually track someone. Most tanks under tier 5 add 5-15mm of armor for the tracks. Tier 5 and above see light,medium,and some of the smaller heavy tanks add 20-30mm of armor for the tracks while very large/heavy tanks like the TOG II* and Maus can add up to 40mm of track spaced armor。

  所以坦克的履带都是附加装甲,应该尽量避免击中履带,除非你的炮穿深足够或者就是想打断他的履带。大部分低于5级的坦克的履带有5-15mm的装甲。5级及以上的坦克,轻坦、中坦和稍小的重坦履带有20-30mm的装甲,而大型/重型坦克像TOG II和鼠式的履带则算作40mm的间隙装甲。

  On other tanks such as the T26E4 Super Pershing and IS-3 there are additional spaced armor plates on the actual hull of the tank or on the turret aside from the mantlet.These areas also produce many zero damage penetrations since the spaced armor is easily penetrated but the armor behind it is much stronger.For players who use the green-yellow-red indicator on the sight while aiming this can be very frustrating as that indicator might show up as green on spaced armor but in reality you’ll be shooting at very tough armor。


  To combat against spaced armor and zero damage penetrations it is best to do some simple searching for tanks which have spaced armor.Learning where it is and how difficult it is to penetrate is key.It is also important to teach yourself how to aim around the track areas when needed and also avoiding to shoot the mantlet areas on the turret。





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