Normalization relates to AP, APCR, and APDS shells.Normalization refers to when the shell hits sloped armored and “normalizes” a few degrees to try to stay on it’s initial flight path.In World of Tanks normalization for APCR shells is 2° while AP shells is 5°.This means that if a AP shell hits that 150mm plate from tank “x” which is at 50° the shell will “normalize” 5° so that it will only need to penetrate 150mm of armor at 45(for APCR simply do 2° instead of 5°). This lowers the armor value that the shell needs to travel through making it easier to penetrate and do damage.
转正效果适用于AP,APCR与APDS。 转正是指的在炮弹击中倾斜装甲后会被沿飞行轨迹“修正(减小)”几度的入射角。坦克世界中APCR弹的转正是2°,AP弹的转正是5°。这意味着当一发AP击中某辆“X坦克”的150mm/50°前装甲的时候,这发炮弹将被“转正”5°(APCR转正仅有2°),并仅需击穿倾角为45°的150mm装甲板的穿深即可穿透。更低的等效装甲值意味着炮弹仅需要更低的穿深便可穿透装甲板并造成伤害。
For example: The 150mm plate at 50° when hit by an AP shell will actually be at 45° when the armor value is calculated。
You will use the same formula to calculate the armor from before: (Thickness/cos(angle°))
Therefore, you would end up using (150/cos(45°)) will end up with a armor value of 212mm.This value is much lower than the 233mm effective armor value from before which does not take into account normalization。
When it comes to spaced armor a shell will continue to normalize as it penetrates through the spaced armor.As far as compound angles where the armor is angled both horizontally and vertically the shell will only normalize against which ever angle is the highest found at that specific location。
To recap on the example earlier..The 150mm thick armor plate at 50° would have an effective armor value of 233mm.This means that to penetrate with HE/HEAT/HESH the shell fired would need to roll a higher penetration number than 233mm.The same 150mm/50° armor if hit by an AP/APCR/APDS round would “normalize” to 150mm/45° giving it an armor value of 212mm.This means that an AP/APCR/APDS round would only need to roll a penetration value of over 212mm instead of 233mm to penetrate。