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新浪游戏  2015-02-09 19:19

  Ever wonder why your round bounces off of a lightly armored tank even though it should have went through? I found myself wondering the same thing before I understood how World of Tanks calculates armor.This page will hopefully dispel any questions relating to how armor is calculated, zero damage hits, and all that fun stuff that angers many in World of Tanks。

  有没有想过为什么你的炮弹明明在能够击穿装甲时却被那些很薄的装甲弹开? 我在理解坦克世界的装甲机制之前也想不明白这个问题。本文将通过讲解装甲计算方法,零伤害击穿及所以这种让人恼火的情况,来消除你的疑惑 。

  Effective Armor


  Lets start off with effective armor and how it is calculated.Many players are able to figure out and look into the amount of armor each tank has in specific locations.Many will see that “x” tank has 150mm of armor on the front glacis so therefore if they have a gun that has 160mm-200mm penetration they would be able to damage it.What is not fully explained is that the slope(or angle) of the armor increases the effectiveness of that armor immensely.Effective armor refers to the thickness of the armor combined with the angle to figure out how much penetration is actually required to penetrate.Effective armor values are only used against HE, HESH, and HEAT shells as these shells do not “normalize” but more on that later。

  先从等效装甲计算开始说起。很多玩家知道自己的坦克的具体部 位的装甲厚度是多少。很多时候”x”坦克拥有150mm的车体正面倾斜装甲,会让那些扛着160-200mm穿深主炮的坦克难以击穿。这个现象的简单解释 就是“倾角”(或者说角度)对装甲的防护效果有极大影响。等效装甲值指的是此厚度的装甲在以一定角度倾斜后,一枚炮弹想要穿透该装甲区域所需要的穿深。该 数值仅用于计算HE,HEAT,HESH等没有转正效果的炮弹,关于”转正效果“,我们稍后再谈。

  For example…That 150mm armor plate on “x” tank is actually at a 50° angle.To find out the effective armor you need to do a little math。

  举例来说… 那台“x”坦克的150mm装甲板有50°倾角。为了计算它的等效装甲你需要一点数学知识

  Effective Armor Formula: (Thickness/cos(angle°))



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