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新浪游戏  2013-07-25 17:23

  In the end, based on the trial results, the Object 430-2*Z and 430-3*P were selected for development and mass production recieved new designations of “Object 430M-1, Object 430M-2″. That was, however, not meant to be。

  最后,基于以上的测试结果,430——2*Z和430-3*P被挑选出来进一步开发而进一步设计了的Object 430M-1, Object 430M-2投入大批量生产。不管怎样,这是意料之外的。

  The result of the testing committee was, that while all the development program goals were met and Object 430 is essentially ready for serial production, it does not represent much of an improvement over the T-54. Furthermore, other experimental tanks (Object 165 and Object 166 – otherwise known as T-62A and T-62) also passed the tests by that time, but their advantage was that some of their parts were unified with the T-54. Therefore, since there was such a reserve in T-54 improvement potential and since Object 430 didn’t represent that much of an upgrade over the T-54, the project was cancelled on 17.2.1961. The intended “T-64″ designation was then passed to Object 432.




  We will compare this tank to the T-62A, its direct tier 10 competitor (data in brackets will belong to T-62A)。


  Crew: both vehicles have 4 man crew。


  Weight: 35,5 (37)

  重量:35,5 (37)

  Engine: 5TD, 600hp (580hp V-55) – as a “fun fact”, Object 430 had a new cooling system, that led to numerous breakdowns

  发动机:5TD, 600hp (580hp V-55) ——有趣的是,430有一个新的冷却系统,结果导致了很多的故障。。

  Power to weight ratio: 16,9 hp/t (15,68 hp/t)

  单位功率:16,9 hp/t (15,68 hp/t)

  Maximum speed: 55 km/h (50 km/h)

  极速:55 km/h (50 km/h)

  车体装甲:120mm (60 degrees)/ 50mm (50 degrees)/ 40mm (30 degrees) (102/75/45 for T-62A)

  炮塔装甲: 248mm/185mm/63mm (240/161/65 for T-62A)

  管子: 100mm D-54TS (跟 T-62A一样), or U-8TS (实验型的来福炮,大概跟L7差不多experimental rifled gun, roughly matching the British L7)

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