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新浪游戏  2013-07-25 17:23

  8.8: new medium Soviet branch confirmed, it consists of 5 tanks, Object 430 is tier 10


  Posted on July 23, 2013

  Posted on June 25, 2013

  Hello everyone,

  as you have probably read already, the Object 430 will be most likely the top tank of the Soviet tier 10 branch (unless Evilly screwed something up and SerB will debunk this). Let’s have a look at this interesting vehicle together。





  Object 430 is an experimental Soviet tank. After the war, the T-54 medium tank became the standard tank for the Soviet army, but as the 50′s came and went, it became more and more clear that its original armament, maneuverability and armor configuration started lagging behind the western world trends and that the T-54′s will have more and more trouble dealing with contemporary western tanks. Therefore, several tank development programs were started with the goal of creating a vehicle, that would outperform anything it could meet on the battlefield。


  In the Kharkov mechanical plant (ZIM, Factory named after V.A.Malischev – a Stalin-era politician), a new department (KB-60M) was created specially for this purpose, it was led by the plant chief designers J.I.Baran and A.A.Morozov. In 1953, this department finished a preliminary project idea for the new tank, designated “T-64″, which was approved by the army. The project was officially started in April 1954 and recieved the designation “Object 430″. The sketches were ready by the end of 1954 and in May 1955, work began on the technical project itself. This all was finished by June 1955 and a wooden mockup was made。


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