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新浪游戏  2013-07-25 17:23

  First two prototypes were made in 1957 and they recieved the designations “Object 430-1*Z” and “Object 430-2*Z” (Z here means “trial” apparently). These protypes were tested by the factory and also trialed against another experimental Soviet tank, Object 140. A number of defects (especially regarding the engine) were revealed during the trials, but overall the tests were considered successful. By June 1958, the plant was ordered to build 3 more prototypes for the military to test on polygons. These were designated “Object 430-1*P, 430-2*P and 430-3*P”. These prototypes were ready in December 1959 and were tested thoroughly in two stages from March 1960 to May 1961.

  第一批两个原型于1957年完工,命名为430工程-1*Z 和430工程 -2*Z(‘Z’显然表示是实验型)。这些原型车由工厂方面进行测试,并同其他几种苏联实验型坦克(140工程)作比较,在测试中暴露出一些缺陷,但最终测试被认为是成功的。1958年6月,军方命令厂方多制造3辆原型车以便多边性测试。定名“Object 430-1*P, 430-2*P and 430-3*P”。这些原型车59年12月完工,并在1960年3月和1961年5月两次测验中通过。

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