当前位置:新浪DOTA2专区 >> 正文 作者:贴吧PZH_Element┊时间:2015-03-17 11:16
3月17日DotA2更新 TEvent联赛门票上架
 3月17日,DOTA2主客户端有一个20.5MB的更新,主要是更新了一个门票(赠送术士套装)(ˉ▽ ̄~)

  TEvent Dota 2 第二季门票(售价7.99美刀)

  术士Gatekeeper Set预览

  饰品掉落添加Gatekeeper Set

  还有个创意工坊的通知 :

  Dota 2 Workshop Deadlines for Summer

  If you are working on an in-game item, tournament, or merchandise workshop submission that you would like to have considered for release before the end of August, please submit your work to the workshop no later than May 26, 2015.

  Additionally, the workshop particle process renovation that we mentioned in December's New Bloom 2015 Call to Arms blog post is still ongoing, so if you are working on an in-game item we ask that your creations avoid using custom particle effects. Finally, any items which depict skulls or gore should also include low-violence versions of all assets (including loading screens) with the initial submission。


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