当前位置:新浪DOTA2专区 >> 正文 新浪游戏┊时间:2014-09-02 14:27









  Fixed Chronosphere not revealing Techies mines

  Fixed Flying Courier being affected by Land Mines

  Fixed how Suicide Squad Attack kills techies

  Fixed Land Mines having bounties

  Fixed Techies spells interaction with Siege units

  Fixed Suicide Squad Attack hurting Ancients

  Fixed Techies Legacy keys

  Fixed being unable to return items to an allied stash if he had too many in it

  Fixed various tooltips

  Updated Techies recommended items

  Fixed Techies not suiciding through Shallow Grave

  Added a buff indicator for Land Mines count

  Fixed Techies mine damage source

  Fixed flying units not being affected by Land Mines

  Fixed Pin Point detonate triggering Magic Stick chargse

  Fixed bot related issues

  Fixed Stasis Trap activation timing

  Adjusted Remote Mines size based on level

  Fixed various spells and abilities being able to affect Techies Mines

  Fixed Techies Aghanim range indicator

  Fixed Rubick*s cast behavior with Mines

  Fixed Land Mine and Stasis Trap not blocking Neutral Spawning

  Fixed Bot behavior with Dust against Techies Mines

  Fixed Stasis trigger aoe

  Fixed Land Mine And Suicide radius calculation

  Fixed Land Miens and Stasis Trap not providing vision after usage

  Fixed Remote Mines remaining in selection after detonation

  Added the ability to cast ground targeted spells via the portrait

  Fixed some selection group issues with Remote Mines

  Fixed Minefield Sign ability proccing Magic Stick

  Fixed Techies hitbox

  Fixed Stasis Trap hitbox

  Fixed Remote Mines/Detonate using wrong animations

  Fixed Bloodstone interaction with Suicide Squad Attack

  Rubick can no longer cast more than the max number of Land Mines or Psionic Traps

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