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8.8版VK3001H新变化 来自SS的历史分析(2)
新浪游戏  2013-08-12 17:51


  Expect the stock turret to remain, but the 2nd turret (the Grossturm aka Schmalturm) will definitely disappear (VK3001H couldn’t mount the Schmalturm due to small turret ring). A bit of an info from WG: 2nd turret will most likely resemble the VK3601 stock turret, as that was its historical development. However, due to the loading strain, I’d expect reduced armor, something like 80/60/60, while looking like this:




  Now, here’s a pickle. As you can see, the choice is quite broad. However, it’s pretty sure that for tier 5, the Konisch won’t be installed (it couldn’t be even historicall). 75mm L/24, 50mm L/60 could both fit into the stock turret and they are most likely to appear. 105mm L/28 was never considered, so that will not show up I think. The top gun will most likely be the 75mm L/43 (L/48 was never considered, but theoretically could fit too)。

  重点来了,选择很多,但是作为一个5级车,Konisch(88炮)是绝对绝对不会装上的。75mm L/24,50mm L/60都适合做它的白板炮塔,也是很有可能出现的。105喷子不要想了。顶级炮很可能是 75mm L/43 (L/48 从没被考虑过,但是理论上是装得上去的)

  So, historical gun choice: 75mm L/24 (stock), 50mm L/60, 75mm L/43 in the 2nd turret。

  所以,按照历史数据炮应该有这几种:75mm L/24 (白), 50mm L/60, 75mm L/43(原先的白板炮现在变顶级炮)装在第二个炮塔上


  What you will get is much slower vehicle, more compact than other tier 5 heavies, but packing some punch. With a buffed engine, I believe it might be the most mobile of the tier 5 heavies, but also the most fragile one, with 50mm hull armor (unless they buff it unhistorically)。


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