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8.8版VK3001H新变化 来自SS的历史分析
新浪游戏  2013-08-12 17:51

  Hello everyone,

  today, we are going to have a look at what will happen to the VK3001H inpatch 8.8.



  VK3001H in World of Tanks

  Hull armor车体装甲

  Let’s start with the hull armor. Currently, the VK3001H (in an effort to make it into an agile medium tank, something it was never designed to do) is underarmored. In real life, it had 50mm armor all around (with the exception of certain frontal and rear armor heavily sloped parts, which were only 35mm thick). Why 50mm? Because in 1941, 50mm was believe to be an adequate protection from the 37mm L/46 PaK anti-tank gun, which was taken as some sort of baseline for tests. So, that’s good news for the players – more side armor, while keeping the weight, right? Well, there’s more and you won’t like that。

  从车体装甲开始说,当前,VK3001H(为了让它成为一辆敏捷的中坦)的装甲不足,而在现实生活中呢,它全方位的装甲都是50毫米(除了正面和屁股特别倾斜的地方是35),为什么是50毫米呢?因为在1941年,50毫米足以抵御37mm L/46反坦克炮的攻击了,那炮是测试里的底线。所以,对玩家来说这是个好消息——更厚的侧面装甲,会保持原来的重量,是么?嗯.。。会有额外的重量,你们不会喜欢的。


  Expect extreme drop. The real life VK3001H was powered by a 300hp Maybach HL116 engine, allowing it to go around 35km/h (some sources state 25km/h, current ingame maximum speed is 55km/h). For 32 tons, you can expect the drop of power-to-weight ratio to around 9,3 hp/t (50 percent drop). All the current VK3001H ingame engines are not historical. Some might be kept, but most will be dropped。


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