在6月5日-8日期间举办的世界最大规模E3游戏展(Electronic Entertainment Expo)展出的游戏中根据各个项目评选出最佳游戏的“E3游戏评论家大奖”(Best of E3 Game Critics Awards)获奖名单正式公布(以下粗体为该项获奖),其中由Naughty Dog工作室负责开发《美国末日》,获得多项奖项,包括:最佳展示、最佳原创新作、最佳家用主机游戏、最佳动作冒险游戏、声音效果等奖项,是本届获奖最多 游戏。

Game Critics Award是一项独立的评选,由将近40名资深游戏业界人士——包括平面杂志编辑、网站编辑、报纸编辑和电视节目编排人投票选出,因此在欧美游戏界具有很高的权威性。

- 《刺客信条3》(Assassin's Creed III) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《羞辱》(Dishonored) (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《光环4》(Halo 4) (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《美国末日》(The Last of Us) (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
- 《古墓丽影9》(Tomb Raider) (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《超凡双生》(Beyond: Two Souls) (Quantic Dream/SCEE for PlayStation 3)
- 《羞辱》(Dishonored) (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《量子谜题》(Quantum Conundrum) (Airtight Game/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《美国末日》(The Last of Us) (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
- 《黑白世界》(Unfinished Swan) (Giant Sparrow/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

- 《刺客信条3》(Assassin's Creed III) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《羞辱》(Dishonored) (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《光环4》(Halo 4) (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《美国末日》(The Last of Us) (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
- 《古墓丽影9》(Tomb Raider) (Crystal Dynamics/Square-Enix for PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《刺客信条3》(Assassin's Creed III) Liberation (Ubisoft Sofia/Ubisoft for PSVita)
- 《传奇米老鼠:梦幻力量》(Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion) (Dreamrift/Disney Interactive Studios for 3DS)
- 《无尽之剑:地下城》(Infinity Blade Dungeons) (Epic Games/Epic Games for iOS)
- 《路易鬼屋2:暗月》(Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon) (Next Level Games/Nintendo for 3DS)
- 《新超级马里奥兄弟2》(New Super Mario Bros. 2) (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for 3DS)
- 《声音与形态》(Sound Shapes) (Queasy Games/SCEA for PSVita)

- 《英雄连2》(Company of Heroes 2) (Relic/THQ for PC)
- 《霍肯》(Hawken) (Adhesive Games/Meteor Entertainment for PC)
- 《行星边际2》(PlanetSide 2) (Sony Online Entertainment/Sony Online Entertainment for PC)
- 《模拟城市5》(SimCity) (Maxis/EA for PC)
- 《幽浮:未知敌人》(X-Com: Enemy Unknown) (Firaxis Games/2K Games for PC)

- Astro A50 Wireless Gaming Headset (Astro)
- Rift VR Headset (Palmer Lucky/John Carmack/id Software)
- Wii U (Nintendo)
- Wonderbook (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe)
- Skylanders: Giants Figures (Toys for Bob/Activision)

- 《无主之地2》(Borderlands 2) (Gearbox/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《使命召唤9:黑色行动2》(Call of Duty: Black Ops II) (Treyarch/Activision for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《孤岛危机3》(Crysis 3) (Crytek/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《光环4》(Halo 4) (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《合金装备崛起:复仇》(Metal Gear Rising: Revengence) (Platinum Games/Kojima Pro/Konami for PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《刺客信条3》(Assassin's Creed III) (Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360)
- 《超凡双生》(Beyond: Two Souls) (Quantic Dream/SCEE for PlayStation 3)
- 《羞辱》(Dishonored) (Arkane Studios/Bethesda Softworks for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《美国末日》(The Last of Us) (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
- 《古墓丽影9》(Tomb Raider) (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《王国之心:梦降深处》(Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance) (Square Enix/Square Enix for 3DS)
- 《双重国度》(Ni No Kuni)(Level-5/Namco Bandai for PlayStation 3)
- 《女神异闻录4 黄金版》(Persona 4 Golden) (Atlus/Atlus for PSVita)
- 《上古卷轴5:天际 - 黎明守护者》(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard) (BGS/Bethesda for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《南方公园:真理之杖》(South Park: The Stick of Truth) (Obsidian Entertainment/THQ for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《死或生5》(Dead or Alive 5) (Team Ninja/Tecmo Koei for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《不义联盟:我们之中的神》(Injustice: Gods Among Us) (NetherRealm Studios/WBIE for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U)
- 《女神异闻录4 终极竞技场》(Persona 4 Arena) (Arc System Works/Atlus for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《索尼全明星大乱斗》(PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale) (SuperBot/SCEA for PlayStation 3, PSVita)
- 《铁拳TT2》(Tekken Tag Tournament 2) (Namco Bandai Games/Namco Bandai Games for PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《F1 2012》(F1 2012) (Codemasters/Codemasters for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《极限竞速:地平线》(Forza Horizon) (Playground Games/Turn 10 Studios/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《小小大星球:卡丁车》(LittleBigPlanet Karting) (United Front Games/Media Molecule/SCEA for PS3)
- 《极品飞车17:最高通缉》(Need for Speed Most Wanted) (Criterion Games/EA for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《索尼克与世嘉全明星赛车:变形》(Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed) (Sumo/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, 3DS)

- 《FIFA Soccer 13》(FIFA Soccer 13) (EA Canada/EA Sports for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《疯狂橄榄球13》(Madden NFL 13) (EA Tiburon/EA Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《NBA 2K13》(NBA 2K13) (Visual Concepts/2K Sports for PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《NHL冰球13》(NHL 13) (EA Canada/EA Sports for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《实况足球2013》(Pro Evolution Soccer 2013) (PES Productions/Konami for PC, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, 3DS)

- 《英雄连2》(Company of Heroes 2) (Relic/THQ for PC)
- 《灭国战争》(End of Nations) (Petroglyph Games/Trion Worlds for PC)
- 《模拟城市5》(SimCity) (Maxis/EA for PC)
- 《皮克敏3》(Pikmin 3) (Nintendo EAD/Nintendo for Wii U)
- 《幽浮:未知敌人》(X-Com: Enemy Unknown) (Firaxis Games/2K Games for PC)

- 《舞蹈中心3》(Dance Central 3) (Harmonix/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《瓦里奥游戏》(Game & Wario) (开发中名字/working title) (Intelligent Systems/Nintendo for Wii U)
- 《乐高蝙蝠侠2:DC超级英雄》(Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes) (TT/WBIE for PC, PS3, PSVita, X360, Wii, 3DS)
- 《任天堂大陆》(Nintendoland) (Nintendo/Nintendo for Wii U)
- 《摇滚乐队风暴》(Rock Band Blitz) (Harmonix for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

- 《舞蹈中心3》(Dance Central 3) (Harmonix/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《神鬼寓言:旅途》(Fable: The Journey) (Lionhead/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《瓦里奥游戏》(Game & Wario) (working title) (Intelligent Systems/Nintendo for Wii U)
- 《舞力全开4》(Just Dance 4) (Ubisoft/Ubisoft for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Wii U)
- 《Wii Fit U》(Wii Fit U) (Nintendo/Nintendo for Wii U)
- Wonderbook: Books of Spells (London Studio/SCEE for PlayStation 3)

- 《无主之地2》(Borderlands 2) (Gearbox/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《使命召唤9:黑色行动2》(Call of Duty: Black Ops II) (Treyarch/Activision for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《光环4》(Halo 4) (343 Industries/Microsoft Studios for Xbox 360)
- 《极品飞车17:最高通缉》(Need for Speed Most Wanted) (Criterion/EA for PC, PS3, PSVita, Xbox 360)
- 《行星边际2》(PlanetSide 2) (Sony Online Entertainment/Sony Online Entertainment for PC)

- 《哦也!愤怒的死亡兔子》(Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit) (Arkedo Studio/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《量子谜题》(Quantum Conundrum) (Airtight Game/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《荒野老城》(Retro City Rampage) (VBlank Entertainment for PC, PS3, PSVita, Xbox 360, Wii)
- 《魔窟冒险》(The Cave) (Double Fine/Sega for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
- 《黑白世界》(Unfinished Swan) (Giant Sparrow/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

-《星球大战1313》(Star Wars 1313)(LucasArts for 平台未定)
-《监听风暴》(Watch Dogs)(Ubisoft Montrea`l/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

- 《美国末日》(The Last of Us) (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

-《监听风暴》(Watch Dogs)(Ubisoft Montrea`l/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
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中国网络游戏排行榜(China Game Weight Rank)是由新浪游戏推出的目前国内最全面、最专业、最公正的最新网络游戏评测排行榜,涵盖2010-2012内所有新游戏,力图为中国游戏玩家打造最值得信赖的新网游推荐平台。
评天下游戏、测产品深浅—新浪中国网络游戏排行榜CGWR! http://top.sina.com.cn