
《NBA 2K12》完整音乐名单 艾米纳姆倾情献唱

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年08月13日 13:32  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

  日前,2k Sports公布了《NBA 2K12》的完整背景音乐名单。最新作的音乐名单中,不仅有现在红得发紫的乐队和歌手,还有很多新晋的团体和个人。这次的歌手包括艾米纳姆、鼓手Travis Barker、说唱歌手Busta Rhymes等等。

NBA 2K12NBA 2K12


  Eminem & Royce Da 5'9"       - Fast Lane

  Travis Barker featuring Yelawolf, Twista, Busta Rhymes and Lil Jon - Let's Go

  CyHi Da Prynce               - Sideways (2K Remix)

  Kurtis Blow                  - Basketball

  Friendly Fires               - Skeleton Boy

  Machine Drum                 - Let It (edIT Remix)

  Aceyalone featuring Cee-Lo   - Workin' Man's Blues

  Freddie Gibbs                - Look Easy (2K Original)

  Chiddy Bang featuring Q-Tip  - Here We Go

  Zion I featuring Rebelution  - Many Stylez

  Duck Down All -Stars 2       - Shout The Winners Out (2K Original)

  Middle Class Rut             - New Low

  Bassnectar                   - Cozza Frenzy

  Ancient Astronauts           - Still a Soldier

  Alex K. and D.J.I.G.         - Now's My Time (2K Original)

  See-I                        - Haterz

  James Pants                  - We're Through

  Shinobi Ninja                - Rock Hood

  DELS                         - Shapeshift

  Hudson Mohawke               - Thunder Bay (instrumental)

  Mr. Chop                     - Intermezzo 2 (instrumental)

  Kid Mac featuring Mat McHugh - Hear You Calling

  Thunderball                  - Make Your Move

  The Freeze Tag               - The Shuffle (instrumental)

  The Death Set                - It's Another Day

  Project Lionheart            -They Come Back

  Jamaica                      - By The Numbers

  XV                           - Awesome



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