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http://games.sina.com.cn 2006-02-14 13:27 电玩中国

  去年大部分媒体评选年度最佳游戏时都是Bio4和《战神》争,并且多数是Bio4胜出。本次Capcom没有让Bio4参与评审,所以《战神》制作人才在keynote speech上开玩笑说:“感谢上帝Capcom没有让RE4参与,我们的《战神》终于能拿一些奖项了……”



  总体年度最佳游戏奖 Overall Game of the Year:

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica) )

  PC年度最佳游戏奖 PC Game of the Year:

  - Battlefield 2 (P: EA, D: Digital Illusions)

  家用机年度最佳游戏奖 Console Game of the Year:

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)


  杰出创意奖 Outstanding Innovation in Gaming

  - 吉他英雄 Guitar Hero (P: Red Octane, D: Harmonix)

  杰出动作设计奖 Outstanding Achievement: Animation

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)

  杰出艺术指导奖 Outstanding Achievement: Art Direction

  -旺达与巨像 Shadow of the Colossus (P:/D: Sony Computer Entertainment America)

  杰出音轨奖 Outstanding Achievement: Soundtrack

  - 吉他英雄 Guitar Hero (P: Red Octane, D: Harmonix)

  杰出原创音乐奖 Outstanding Achievement: Original Music Composition

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)

  杰出音效设计 Outstanding Achievement: Sound Design

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)

  杰出故事/人物设计奖 Outstanding Achievement: Story and Character Development

  - 使命的召唤:红一中队 Call of Duty: Big Red One (P: Activision, D: Treyarch)

  杰出Gameplay设计奖 ***并列*** Outstanding Achievement: Gameplay Engineering ***TIE***

  - 任天狗 Nintendogs (P: Nintendo, D: Nintendo EAD)

  - 吉他英雄 Guitar Hero (P: Red Octane, D: Harmonix)

  杰出在线游戏奖 Outstanding Achievement: Online Game Play

  - Battlefield 2 (P: EA, D: Digital Illusions)

  杰出视觉效果奖 Outstanding Achievement: Visual Engineering

  - 旺达与巨像 Shadow of the Colossus (P:/D: Sony Computer Entertainment America)

  杰出总体游戏设计奖 Outstanding Achievement: Game Design

  - 吉他英雄 Guitar Hero (P: Red Octane, D: Harmonix)

  杰出男演员 Outstanding Character Performance: Male

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)

  杰出女演员 Outstanding Character Performance: Female

  - 翡翠帝国 Jade Empire (P: Microsoft, D: Bioware)


  年度最佳运动游戏 Sports Game of the Year

  - SSX On Tour (P: EA, D: EA Canada)

  年度最佳主视角动作游戏 First-Person Action Game of the Year

  - Battlefield 2 (P: EA, D: Digital Illusions)

  年度最佳RPG Role-Playing Game of the Year

  - 翡翠帝国 Jade Empire (P: Microsoft, D: Bioware)

  年度最佳格斗游戏 Fighting Game of the Year

  - 灵魂能力3 Soul Calibur III (P:/D: Namco)

  年度最佳动作冒险游戏 Action/Adventure Game of the Year

  - 战神 God of War (P: Sony Computer Entertainment America, D: Sony Computer Entertainment America-Santa Monica)

  年度最佳赛车游戏 Racing Game of the Year

  - Need for Speed: Most Wanted (P: EA, D: EA-Vancouver)

  年度最佳儿童游戏 Children's Game of the Year

  - 块魂 We Love Katamari (P:/D: Namco)

  年度最佳可下载游戏 Downloadable Game of the Year

  - WIK: Fable of Souls (P: Microsoft, D: Reflexive)

  年度最佳家庭游戏 Family Game of the Year

  - 吉他英雄 Guitar Hero (P: Red Octane, D: Harmonix)

  年度最佳模拟游戏 Simulation Game of the Year

  - 电影 The Movies (P: Activision, D: Lionhead Studios)

  年度最佳策略游戏 Strategy Game of the Year

  - 文明4 Civilization IV (P: 2K Games, D: Firaxis)

  年度最佳网游 Massively Multiplayer/Persistent World Game of the Year ***TIE***

  - City of Villains (P: NCsoft, D: Cryptic Studios)

  - Guild Wars (P: NCsoft, D: ArenaNet)

  年度最佳掌机游戏 Handheld Game of the Year

  - 任天狗 Nintendogs (P: Nintendo, D: Nintendo EAD)

  年度最佳手机游戏 Cellular Game of the Year

  - Ancient Empires II (P:/D: Glu Mobile)




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环球影业将开拍PS2大作《战神》电影版 (2005-07-29 10:06)
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PS2超大作《战神》夺取北美销量冠军 (2005-03-31 11:24)
SCEA超大作《战神》完全权威评析 (2005-03-28 16:05)
SCEA年度巨作——《战神》游戏简评 (2005-03-28 15:54)

热 点 专 题
网络游戏 何去何从
神游iQue DS正式发售

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