2015年04月07日 11:10

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  Firedorn Ligthbringer 火多恩·光明使者

  Here lies Firedorn, a hero in bed 这里长眠着火多恩,一位卧床的爷们儿

  He once was alive, but now he’s dead 他曾经活着,但现已嗝屁儿

  The last woman he bedded, turned out a man 他睡的最后一个女人,居然带着把儿

  And crying in shame, off a cliff he ran 伴着羞辱中的哀嚎,他从悬崖飞奔直下


  这样一首搞怪诗不知怎地就触动了Twitter用户@icequeenerika的神经。这个用户认为这些文字描述了一种称为“transmisogyny 英语:Transmisogyny或Trans-misogyny,它是厌女症的延伸,一种对跨性别女性(男跨女)的仇恨或者强烈偏见。”的行为。之后该人就开始在Twitter上要求一堆人转发并且试图扩大自己观点的影响:


  之后就被转发到了永恒之柱项目负责人Josh Sawyer的头上(注:转给josh的是某知名“女权组织”):


  Backer Content

  It’s come to our attention that a piece of backer-created content has made it into Pillars of Eternity that was not vetted. Once it was brought to our attention, it followed the same vetting process as all of our other content. Prior to release, we worked with many of our backers to iterate on content they asked to be put into the game that didn’t strike the right tone。


  In the case of this specific content, we checked with the backer who wrote it and asked them about changing it. We respect our backers greatly, and felt it was our duty to include them in the process. They gave us new content which we have used to replace what is in the game. To be clear, we followed the process we would have followed had this content been vetted prior to the release of the product。


  We appreciate the faith you have all given us into making Pillars of Eternity the great game that it has become, and we appreciate the strength of conviction all of you bring to every conversation we have together。




Feargus Urquhart, CEO

首席执行官 Feargus Urquhart

Obsidian Entertainment, Inc。




  Firedorn Lightbringer 火多恩·光明使者

  Here lies Firedorn, a bard, a poet 这里长眠着火多恩,一个诗人,一个墨客

  He was also a card, but most didn’t know it 他本也是个狠角色,只是没有载入史册

  A poem he wrote in jest was misread 他的一首恶搞诗歌被解读得令人错愕

  They asked for blood, so now he’s just dead 他们说要血偿,好吧他现在已成绝唱

  最后,捐赠者Firedorn Lightbringer还是出来回应了此事,原文如下:

  Screw You, Firedorn Lightbringer!


  There's only so much room for context in four lines of an epitaph. How the masses can extrapolate so much back-story without knowing anything is beyond baffling. It's extremely entertaining though, I'll admit。


  Firedorn is a character. A fictional character. He's a creation based on a combination of different people I've seen in my life. He's overly macho, making up for his other shortcomings. Talks a whole lot but doesn't say much. He's a womanizer, an alcoholic and he's not too bright. He's also has self-esteem issues, which is why he over compensates by being overly sexual. Incidentally, he believes that being with a man will somehow make him a lesser man. You know the type of person I'm referring to. You've seen him. You probably even know him, or someone like him. I've crossed paths with people like him, numerous times in my life。


  But the fact remains, Firedorn is a character. A fictional character. Representing part of what's wrong with people today. The limerick was written as a form of artistic expression from a nobody, trying to ridicule the ideas, rationale and justifications presented by people like him. It is a fictional representation of real life, of what's around you. And this fictional character died in spite of his foolishness and idiocy. That's what I wrote. I don't regret writing it either, as killing off an idiot for being an idiot was extremely satisfying. No other platform has allowed me such artistic expression, nor did I anticipate this type of response. However, I'd kill him again。


  To anyone how was offended by this, I sincerely apologize. My intent was to ridicule the perpetrators of such behavior and not offend its victims. Any form of artistic expression leaves a lot to interpretation and is entirely subjective. But extrapolating any intent from a short limerick and crying in outrage is not the way to go about any of the struggles these victims face. Laugh at Firedorn's misfortune, his idiocy, his stupidity and narrow mindedness instead。对于所有曾因此而感到被冒犯的人,我真诚地表示歉意。我的意图是嘲讽具有这种行径的行凶者而非指责受害人。任何形式的艺术表达都留下了极大的解释余地,并且完全是主观性质的。但是从一个短小的墓志铭解读出一大堆含义,甚至叫嚷着这事儿骇人听闻,这种方式表现得可不像什么受害者的抗争。去嘲笑火多恩的不幸,他的无知,他的愚蠢以及狭隘思想吧。

  Anyone accusing Firedorn of "transmisogyny": please review the definition of the word before sounding like an idiot. I know it's new to the lexicon, but nowhere was it even implied that he did anything to harm anyone, much less a trans woman。


  A little hobbit over in a bent corner once said: "People should be free to create and share art they enjoy without censorship from the self-appointed art police". While I understand that not everyone will enjoy all forms of artistic expression, asking for censorship is inherently wrong in today's world. While the character's choices were questionable, they are a reality both in the factual world and in fiction. Life imitates art and art imitates life. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll stop being angry at the world every time you see or hear something you don’t like, and move on to more productive things. 

  博客作者Bent Corner曾在一个题图为小孩的文章中提到:“人们应该可以自由创造并分享他们喜欢的艺术,而不是自发地文化监管者一样对作品进行审查”。虽然我明白并非所有人都喜欢任何形式的艺术表达时,但是当今世界上那些有关审查的要求从本质上来说是错的。角色们的选择本来就是不确定的,他们就是现实和虚构世界中真实发生的事。生活效仿艺术,艺术取材生活。你对这个观点的接受得越快,就越不会在每次看到或听到不喜欢的事情时而对整个世界感到愤怒,而是转移注意力去其他更有创造性的事情上去。

  Everyone should have the freedom to express themselves however they want, be it written, visual or audio. That goes for both artists and their critics. If someone puts up something controversial, then they should expect that some people won’t like it. The right to express your opinion is the same as a person’s right to express themselves artistically. Asking for censorship, however, goes against all that...especially when you don't know a god damned thing about the context of the art piece。


  But what do I know? I'm just a chump on the internet。


-- Firedorn



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