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坦克世界 11月2日 QA 完整的新中坦线(3)
新浪游戏  2015-11-02 15:00

  - Penetration in World of Tanks is a balance parameter, it was mostly like that even before despite WG claims otherwise, for example ZiS-2 onT-34has 90 degree penetration but German 50mm L/60 penetration value corresponds to 30 degree penetration

  在游戏中,穿深是个平衡数据,很可能在WG宣布其为平衡数据之前就已经是了。比如T-34上的ZiS-2,其穿深是对90度装甲的穿深,而德系的50mm L/60,是对30度装甲的穿深。

  - Chieftain is historically not a heavy tank


  - There is no work going on another American medium branch


  - T110E5 model is historical? "Historicity of paper sketches and a mock-up? Honestly I don't want to get into the discussion about the historicity of the entire concept."


  - There is no point in introducing more T110 variants


  - There are like 6 variants of T28/T95 in existence


  - There was a plan to put 122mm BL-13 onIS-7, as well as 152mm M51 (Object 705A)

  有在IS-7上装122mm BL-13的计划,也有装152mm M51的计划(705A工程)。

  - There are no plans for now to introduce FV100 series of British vehicles, FV300 series are under consideration


  - 105mm L/52 on Jagdpanther is a fake

  装105mm L/52炮的猎豹是假的。

  - Czechoslovakia has candidates for all branches except for heavy tanks


  - Yuri Pasholok hasn't personally seen any otherT-54/55 based SPG's and TD's apart from SU-122-54

  除了SU-122-54,Yuri Pasholok从没见过任何其他基于T-54/55的自行火炮或坦克歼击车。

  - There were ideas (a concept) to put 100mm D-10S to SU-122-44 but it was never built

  曾有个想法(一个概念),在SU-122-44上安装100mm D-10S炮,但从没实际制造过。

  - Yuri Pasholok will consult historical battles with Wargaming - if they ask him

  如果WG要求Yuri Pasholok为历史战提供顾问意见的话,他会提供的。

  - There was a variant of SU-100 with D-25S gun, but this project was cancelled because it didn't do very well


  - The CzechoslovakT-34-100is different from the Soviet one


  - Object 416 was not mass produced because it's basically a SPG and a strange one too.


  - T-100 heavy tank projects? The first one was T-100X (SPG project), then it was T-100Y (this was actually built) and T-100Z (T-100 with a new turret for the 152mm howitzer, the turret was then turned into a fortification), T-103 (coastal defense tank with 130mm gun)


  - GWE-100is a fake


  - There are no plans to introduce the gas turbine German tanks to WoT


  - Generally the only Tiger-based Waffenträger was Grille 17



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