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坦克世界 11月2日 QA 完整的新中坦线(2)
新浪游戏  2015-11-02 15:00
  - T-100 and SMK were tested with the M-34 aircraft engine


  - There were no TD's based on T-28 chassis - by the end of the 1930s the chassis was considered obsolete


  - E-25 with 88mm gun is a fake


  - The Grille 15 name for the WT E-100 replacement is historical, some vehicles on Panther chassis were called GW Panther while others were called Grille 15. GW Tiger was called Grille 17

  百运的替换车,也就是蟋蟀15是符合历史的。有一些基于黑豹底盘的车辆叫做黑豹自行火炮(GW Panther),但另外一些叫做蟋蟀15。虎式自行火炮叫做蟋蟀17。

  - There are options to build full MT branches for existing nations but not USSR


  - There are also options for full LT branches for existing nations


  - The oddest superheavy tank project? Kazakhstan 14 thousand ton "walker" made out of reinforced concrete


  - AP shells for ML-20S (ISU-152gun) were developed and deployed in 1943



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